#birblr – @adulthoodisokay on Tumblr

Adulthood Is Okay, I Guess.

@adulthoodisokay /

Both hands on the keyboard and one foot in the grave. I'm Cates and I work at Tumblr. This is a personal account, opinions are my own. @cates on bluesky. She/Her 🌱

A Lego-printed Feathursday

Here are some Lego-printed birds from the second edition of Print & Play The Art of LEGO Letterpress by printmaker and educator Martijn van der Blom (b. 1973) and visual artist Roy Scholten, published in Dutch and English in Hilversum, Netherlands at in a limited edition 250 copies in 2024. The images are part of Scholten's 50 Birds series. They write:

Since 2013 Martijn van der Blom and Roy Scholten have been working with LEGO bricks as printmaking material in Grafisch Atelier Hilversum (a printmaking studio in Hilversum, The Netherlands). They use it to build stamps that can be printed on the presses of the printmaking studio. That this toy material can be used in design and build the most surprising images has been an endless source of fun for the last ten years. . . . Martijn and Roy have been using these techniques to make their own art. While doing so, they inspired and motivated each other to continuously elevate the expressiveness and technique of LEGO Letterpress. After hundreds if not thousands of prints the time had come to compile and share the results of these first ten years of printing and playing.

The birds from top to bottom are:


This fledgling American Kestrel was chilling outside my kitchen door in Brooklyn. Little buddy’s just learning how to fly. It spent about an hour awkwardly hopping and flapping around my and my neighbor’s patios.

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