plotting various ways of telling patroclus he cannot reenter battle despite the plight of the danaans that he can't even get mad at me for
#royalbabynames dope ass metal motherfucker from the city
while true, I expected better* from you Achilles
*stop moping around and fight you moron
Drink my god Damn piss. Drink my my god Damn piss menestheus. Drink my piss mother fucvker. Drink my fucking god damned piss off
@adriles you are such a loser and coward that I feel bad for you. You will probably die alone in some field and go entirely without mourning or funeral rites because no one knows you. I hope you die all alone because you insist on abandoning our troops in the worst of combat instead of dying with honor and dignity.
if i wanted to die alone and entirely unremembered i woudltn have to go back to phthia. i can just hide behind big ajax & teucer like you do in battle allthe time
my new chariot
i park in my tent
Arrow’s. The only weapon the achaeans dont need.
what about swords
no. You are just another moron that has no clue about weapons or how to use them
after another day of getting Owned by #trojans and getting yelled at by #commanders nothing beats coming home to patroclus and playing lyre
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
go ahead. keep screaming at me to get back to battle. it only makes me want to sit in my tent More