#book 20 – @adriles on Tumblr

warfare guru


im always flying into an angered frenzy and im crazy about getting violent revenge and moving ever closer to my prophesied demise. im going to regret dying for glory alone.

Any body on the field of battle today brave enough to come from the ranks to challenge me?


The blood drought is OVER! i am BACK on the BATTLEFIELD to ATTAck and maIM. Nice to KILL my FOES and proudly drag HEctOR of the gleaming helm’s corpse around his native citYS WALLS ! We will all DIE HORRIBLY here


my fine new divinely crafted breastplate stops the tip of your bronze tipped spear from piercing my throat and spares mmy cruel, filthy life for yet another day


i am descending on you now , with my mighty bronze-tipped spear


Good Evening

Im going to ruthlessly maim any unlucky trojan who encounters me on the field of battle


im getting word the 24th trojan combatant i slay in my grief fueled aristeia is set to be the most Violent one yet


you know what its actually really cool to surrender to your rage and to have your heart fill with savage power. Violent revenge is really the answer


tormenting the Enemy warriors by just ranging everywhere with my spear, like a fire racing through a parched mountain side, or some other cool figure of speech like that

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