(post is now complete with a Next -> link!)
Every time some dudebro on the internet gets Weird about Rome I want to post this ad
“The old magic persists thanks to it’s unfathomable power.”
No, the old magic persists because the new magic can’t run the legacy spells I need to do my job, and keeps trying to install spirits I don’t want or need onto my orb.
Aurora is my new favorite webcomic bc it introduces a Cool Dude™ and you’re like “woagh that sure is a Cool Dude™. I hope he has everything he loves stripped away from him and becomes a pathetic loser.” And then! He does! Like two pages later! Amazing! Revolutionary! I hope he gets worse!
compelling protagonists go in the centrifuge
Preserving these hashtags for posterity
i find the whole "i had unpleasant experiences with leftists before so now im a raging fascist" narrative incredibly funny because we have all had unpleasant experiences with leftists before. it comes free with being a leftist
I never had any interest in transformers, but then I watched the diatribe on Transformers One and it sounded cool enough that I watched the movie, and it was exactly as good as you said it was. It got me invested enough to give Transformers Prime a shot, and now I'm halfway through season 2 and having a fantastic time. Thank you for convincing me to give the strange colourful robots a chance.
Sorry if you've already been asked this before, but do you "hear" your characters in your head while writing them or reading their dialogue back? Like, do any of them have a specific accent or vocal tone that you associate with them?
OH yeah. I'll play out whole conversations. If I do not dialogue I Will Explode.
the pistachio food trend is soooo interesting because it's like. i've been following the californian pistachio water politics for years, as a californian with personal connections to agricultural workers but! basically there's been a big push in california agriculture over the last decade to pressure farmers to produce pistachios, because iran has dominated the global market in pistachios for decades, and the US government has been trying to weaken iran economically, so they want to make california pistachios a competitor. which is ridiculous, because california's agricultural infrastructure is suffering under a drought, and pistachios take insane amounts of water. so a ton of water is being redirected from the people in order to engage in a trade war with iran over fucking. pistachios.
anyway now that the US (i.e. california) is producing more pistachios than iran, the next step is to drive consumption of pistachios, so that the farmers who are producing these pistachios can continue to make money on them. ergo all the fancy pistachio coffees at starbucks and similar shit like suddenly being able to find pistachio butter in grocery stores when five years ago it was exclusively available at specialty stores and online, and the huge boom in pistachios foods in instagram and tiktok recipe content. like i watch a lot of instagram foodie reels (cooking/baking is one of my hobbies) and these get thrown onto everyone's feeds, to promote the purchasing of pistachios, so that the US can stick it to iran. it's. kind of incredible to watch this happen in real time, because it sounds like deranged conspiracy thought, but like. i've been watching this trend for the past decade and it's fucking real.
anyway one of the vegan recipe accounts i follow just posted like five pistachio-based recipes in a row and it makes me feel some kind of fucking way
it is extremely relevant that pistachios are so easy to acquire here, but acorns, which are an indigenous California food staple crop, are impossible to find even in the best stocked grocery stores, and knowing how to prepare them for consumption is a rarer skill than sourdough starter
Text: "I remember the moment my thinking flipped "a lion pride is a harem of females controlled by and serving a king male" to "it's a family of female friends who keep and feed one lazy arsed sleeps-all-day sperm donor around for babytimes".
"It's oversimplified, but it's no less accurate and very funny."
Interesting etymological surprise of the day: miniature and minimum are unrelated. Minimum is from Latin for "smallest". Miniature, through a series of etymological twists, comes from Latin minium meaning "red lead". This was the basis of the verb miniō "to color red", from the use of red lead as a pigment. From this verb came the Italian miniatura "manuscript illustration", borrowed into English as "miniature", from the frequent use of red ink. Since those illustrations were often quite small, the word came to mean "small", probably influenced by the unrelated minimum
No, I am not 'hoarding craft supplies.' I am sourcing materials for a very big project that will be revealed to me at a later date- perhaps in a dream.
A while ago you mentioned a book about how to draw comics that you recommended. Do you happen to remember the name? I'm looking to get it as a gift for my housemate who has expressed an interest in learning to draw comics
Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics"! It's not so much "how to draw comics" as it is an analysis of the things comics are capable of as a medium, but it's great for rewiring your brain about it.
as a person whose art style one thousand percent has this problem, nothing is funnier to me than a supposedly old and crusty character drawn by someone whose art style is entirely calibrated around beautiful porcelain young people
of my multitudinous problems with The Dragon Prince season 7 my favorite is that this is what the main villain's unassuming old bog witch disguise looked like
as a person whose art style one thousand percent has this problem, nothing is funnier to me than a supposedly old and crusty character drawn by someone whose art style is entirely calibrated around beautiful porcelain young people
i would like to propose a new accessibility feature for movies where every time a brown-haired white man comes on screen they tell me which one he is
Can we get a fair use boy wonder on the dash?