@acerunaway on Tumblr

Queenychu's artblog

@acerunaway /

AO3 NSFM twitter aceattorney/jjba/taz/OCs

hello fellow transgenders it is I, Chu of t4t klapollo fame, coming to you live with a new pinned post!

what you’re currently viewing is my art blog, but here you can find my writing + my nsfm tumblr / twitter + my sfw twitter

I also have a ko-fi if you feel like sending me dollars, but don’t feel inclined to, I’m just havin fun here :)

for zine inquiries, pls email me at [email protected] <3


Hello, fellow travelers!

We've hit the halfway point in our preorder period! Thank you for all your enthusiasm so far, but our ride isn't over yet!

Find out which bundle is right for you HERE, and support the Transgender Law Center in their fight for trans rights and equality!


ORDER MY ZINEEEEEEE and support the Transgender Law Center and also get some of my art in the book and on a lil flagggggg!!


you wouldn't download a limited edition ace attorney christmas sweater from 2016

cross stitch pattern + fcjson here bc i don't gatekeep + other notes under the read more!


HOLY SHIT!!! AN EVEN BETTER VERSION OF MY PATTERN MADE IN AN ACTUALLY USABLE WAY!!! AND TURNED INTO A REAL SHIRT????? you did an amazing job and I'm so glad you are keeping up the tradition I started by making ur pattern public use!!!

This is so mesmerizing to look at honestly!!! I saw in ur notes how difficult it was and I hope you find it worth it once Christmas comes!!




And finally: Here is our wonderful lineup for this zine! We are incredibly excited about all the beautiful pieces our lovely contributors are already working on! Get ready for our contributor spotlights to meet all of them individually! 🌙




this drove me crazy counting squares but I'm not even mad it's so funny 😭 ily ♡

(from your aa sweater pattern btw, it's amazing, tysm; just wanted to let you know!)

from what i counted, it's 152×115 squares or 153×116 if you count the blank edges on the bottom and right, but i might still be wrong :3 idk


There is actually a far better and much more usable version made by someone who actually does cross stitch based on my bootleg (which is based on the official yetee design) so I wouldn't recommend using my pattern anymore lol

my @klapollo-minibang fic ft. beautiful art by @acerunaway !! post-Ace Attorney 4 trans woman Klavier x trans man Apollo

snapshots of a relationship, and of Klavier finding herself

OR, Apollo leaned back against the wall, sighing loudly. Klavier could sympathize; normally she enjoyed a party, even an annual legal networking gala, but this year she would’ve stayed home if she thought it wouldn’t just make people gossip more.

“That bad?” she said, and Apollo laughed humorlessly and shook his head. His black tie was loose and crooked, as though he’d been tugging at it nervously all evening. And after she’d tied it for him so carefully too.

(Not that he couldn’t tie his own tie, of course. It was a skill he’d been proud to teach himself as a teenager, and he did it every day for work. But she liked to tie his ties for him, just as he liked to help her with the clasps of necklaces, pressing a kiss to the nape of her neck when she bowed her head so that he could reach.)

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I hope this isn't a weird question but at what point in your fic do you have spoilers for SoJ and AAI2? Thank you beforehand

I have more than one fic but I assume you mean ttwdfga? I'll put it under the cut for people who don't want to know anything about the fic before reading:

Anonymous asked:

I've been thinking about ttwdfga nonstop since I read it, and I've wanted to draw something for it but i can't pick which part to doodle from 🙏 is there a certain part of what's published that you've wanted to see art of?

- imapollojusticeandimdoingfine

oh wow! i haven't had anyone draw anything from any of my fics uncommissioned, so im very flattered you want to take the time to draw something!

I don't really have any scenes in particular i'd want to see, i'd say. I guess im more interested in what scenes captivate people enough to draw them? like, seeing people's favorites!

Anonymous asked:

Here to tempt ig, I don't know much about wrestling but I think Apollo deserves to show off more even unintentionally. Just kill Klavier a little bit more than usual

ok so hear me out: klapollo pro wrestling au--


Ok but like would yall still love me if one day I wrote the plot of aa4 as a wrestling drama..... 🥺👉👈

You people love tempting me into flying close to the sun don't ya



So I've been away from TTWDFGA for so long bc of full time job/family/zine stuff and now I don't know if I even like the characterization or anything about it?

(I went back to read it so I could remember details and felt mortified and couldn't get far into it)

So idk what to do about it but I thought maybe doodling could help, maybe? Kinda like these ones?

So if you have/had a favorite scene in TTWDFGA/The Things We Do For Gym Access and want to see me doodle it, request it by quoting the scene on this post or in an ask!

Honestly it could even be gen scenes not specifically klapollo. I just really wanna figure out how to not look at this and cringe again

omg.... ty to everyone who has sent in an ask so far 🥺🥺

This has actually been hugely helpful!!! I have been busy with irl/zine work but I plan on drawing more of these. I actually got 3 pages done and some stuff planned out so I'm not like "cool, that scene is done. Now what?" It's a lot more than I've been able to manage in quite some time. Thank you thank you thank you!


There are only 1 DAY LEFT to apply to Destination Apollo, a Transmasc Apollo Justice Fanzine! Don't miss out on hitching a ride with us 🚗💨❗️Our apps close at 11:59pm EST on August 11th.

As always, thank you @all-zine-apps @zineapps @aafancalendar @zinesunlimited @zinefeed for all your support!

Alright travelers! We have just 12 HOURS LEFT to apply! We don't want to take off without you, so be sure to pile in!

We're still counting down-- only 9 HOURS left to apply! If you'd like to come along make sure to turn in your application before then


There is just 4 HOURS LEFT before we close our Contributor Applications! We'd hate to leave without you, so make sure you fill out a form before 11:59pm EST!

We're so close! Just 2 HOURS LEFT to apply and join us as we explore Apollo's trans journey!

This is it! Just ONE HOUR LEFT to submit your applications before we set off towards the next step in our adventure!




There are only 1 DAY LEFT to apply to Destination Apollo, a Transmasc Apollo Justice Fanzine! Don't miss out on hitching a ride with us 🚗💨❗️Our apps close at 11:59pm EST on August 11th.

As always, thank you @all-zine-apps @zineapps @aafancalendar @zinesunlimited @zinefeed for all your support!

Alright travelers! We have just 12 HOURS LEFT to apply! We don't want to take off without you, so be sure to pile in!

We're still counting down-- only 9 HOURS left to apply! If you'd like to come along make sure to turn in your application before then


There is just 4 HOURS LEFT before we close our Contributor Applications! We'd hate to leave without you, so make sure you fill out a form before 11:59pm EST!


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