I am back with more Ronon thoughts!
So. We know from Rodney telling us about his nightmare about the whale that the nightmares the characters had in the episode Doppelganger must've been accurate representations of their fears. And in that episode, Ronon's nightmare is about being hunted (okay, makes sense, he was hunted by the Wraith for 7 years) and then buried alive. Which means it's only logical to assume that being buried alive is one of Ronon's fears, probably a pretty big one, which kinda fits with the whole claustrophobia theory.
Idk where I was going with this but you're the person I dump my Ronon thoughts on, especially the ones that could be used to hurt him.
I absolutely love that scene because its one of the moments that shows how much his years of running have traumatized him. Stargate Atlantis usually doesnt ever follow through with anything (like remember that one ep where the genii invaded and that one girl was left behind so they put her in the basement like... is she still there????) also since i love hurting Ronon im a sucker for the show acknowledging his trauma like the one ep where they were trying to turn a wraith human and Ronon refused to treat him like anything other than what he was like WOW i wish the writers had done a bit more with that and how hard it must have been for him to have a wrath in Atlantis and being placed into his home when the wraith killed almost all of him people probably a good deal of hims family and friends and hunted him for sport for 7 years ohohoho i might have to write a missing scene for that ep. Im also in love with the claustrophobia theory one of my favorite whump tropes is phobias and ehehehehe