(This is a speech I gave to my class in Korea about the importance of adequately directing and interpreting literature. J. R. R. Tolkien has the perfect allegory on this topic. Literature majors, and the common reader, can learn a lot from Tolkien’s advice. I hope you enjoy it. Have you experienced this reckless dissection before?)
The Tower and the Sea Allegory
(Jack C. December, 2023)
What does it mean to interpret a piece of literature? J. R. R. Tolkien was firmly against the reckless academic scrutiny of literary works. Yet, it is not uncommon in today’s academic realm to peel apart literature in hopes of uncovering a deeper meaning. The act of attempting to find flaws and hidden context in literature leads to careless academia. Oftentimes, this can be seen most clearly when it comes to allegory. Instead of appreciating the story for what it is, readers are often pushed to dig too deep into the material of the story, which leaves the story itself set apart from the interpretation, now insignificant and forgotten.