abysswizardstimstuff reblogged
[ID: Two GIFs of the sun setting over a calmly moving lake, a city skyline and bridge silhouetted against sky. End ID]
@abysswizardstimstuff / abysswizardstimstuff.tumblr.com
[ID: Two GIFs of the sun setting over a calmly moving lake, a city skyline and bridge silhouetted against sky. End ID]
[ID: 3 GIFs of a sunset over calm ocean waters, the sky lit up vibrant reds, contrasted heavily against the dark clouds and dark water. The second GIF is a closeup of the sun dipping below the horizon, and the first and third are far zoomed out. End ID]
red sunset (src) :•]
sunrise | source
[ID: 4 GIFs on a beach showing the sun rising over very distant hills, while the tide brings gentle waves over the shore, reflecting the vibrant oranges of the sun. End ID]