I love my dog !!!!
I hate the ocean. We know more about the moon than we do the ocean. Every planet in our solar system can fit between us and the moon and we know more about that than our own terrain. And as far as I know there are no submarines full of decayed bones on the moon either.
Jupiter and the Moon light up the sky above a rock formation near Kitaibaraki City, Japan
I'm not trying to be dramatic or make this a huge issue but I just gotta say I've never heard of this in my life. Like.. What? Lmao. I can't imagine making my man's plate or whatever ????
I just started serving tables and I worked for 2 hours yesterday and made 45 dollars and I'll never take another stupid job ever again
My bf just rubbed my feet while I ate macaroni and cheese. Like this is the life
Cobaltoan Calcite - Agoudal Mine, Bou Azzer, Morocco
Colors Of The Wind from Pocahontas on a Harp w/ Maple 🐶 “Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?”
this is so peaceful i almost forgot that i’m dead inside
there are so many layers to why this vine is immaculate. the slight blur of maple in the background. the halo effect on her fur. the warm autumn lighting. there are no flaws to this and i could watch it forever
even better, maple sees a moth and gets distracted
a friend is never too far away :-)