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A Sentient Cup

@a-sentient-cup /

a disgrace *I am* 18+ not the blog I try to write ID's and reblog them where i can

Pokemon fandom these days generally accepts garbodor but why are they mean about BRUXISH?? Have you seen triggerfish??? If Bruxish looked any different it wouldn't have the right spirit for a triggerfish pokemon at all!

Had to look this up (the pokemon specifically) and my only complaint is that the face is concave instead of rounded out or flat, but it's stylization at play

I originally looked at the titan triggerfish but it looks like a clown triggerfish is very likely what it's based on

The lips aren't even something i would complain about despite their stylization, although it may not be the kind of mouth you ser on a clown trigger

It's ABSOLUTELY the kind you would see on a titan triggerfish

Look at those luscious lips

And a regular triggerfish has a venomous spur on top, but Bruxish lives in a world with more fantastical powers so its "sting" is PSYCHIC, how cool is that, that's actual thoughtful speculative biology! Yeah that'd evolve in a world where it's just as easy to have telekinesis as venom!

pretty sure the concave face is based on filefish tho look at these guys:

the color


that cute lil tail

Blu flabby fins

horn down too


For those who still don't mask:

You know how the trans community asked cis folks to put their pronouns in the email signatures and the like so they didn't out themselves by making theirs public?

Consider this.

In a country that is being fueled by fascism - which is big on eugenics - if the only people masking are people with chronic illness and immune deficiency, then by not masking you're leaving us high and dry not just to the virus, not just to social isolation, but to fascists who consider us a threat to country.

So even if you really don't think COVID is a big deal - fucking mask.


I swear I saw a tumblr post on here that said ‘horses have over 4,000 bones’ and i don’t know where it came from because its totally wrong, they have 205, but what kind of fucked up horse has this person seen out there because I’m absolutely terrified of it 

extremely thankful this creature exists slightly to the left of our known reality

it sounds like a bowl of cereal when it walks

just because it has 4000 bones doesn’t mean they all must belong to it. you see where I’m going?




A trans woman was shot by police at a Pacoima motel last month after she called 911 for help, then approached officers with a knife, according to video footage released Sunday by the Los Angeles Police Department.

Linda Becerra Moran, 30, died Feb. 27 after weeks on life support, leaving her friends and community advocates shaken.

Becerra Moran had told an emergency operator she was being kidnapped in the 10000 block of San Fernando Road on the morning of Feb. 7.

Footage of the encounter showed officers speaking in Spanish with a distraught Becerra Moran in the moments leading up to the shooting, keeping their guns drawn as she paced inside a motel room and they stood in the doorway. They opened fire after she moved slowly toward them, the video showed.

Becerra Moran had reported being held against her will in the motel room as a possible victim of sex trafficking, said Soma Snakeoil, executive director of the Sidewalk Project, a Skid Row nonprofit.


Okay it's a funny skit but I'm gonna be serious about this for a moment because I think it's interesting - the thing about this is it does actually make sense if you go back to the source material.

A lot of stuff that's considered canon in star wars is actually kind of ascended fanon. Like, if you really dig into it, it's remarkable how much of the lightsaber-juggling, movie-retreading atmosphere of pop culture/the expanded universe Lucas incorporated into the prequel trilogy, likely without realising.

Example: Strictly according to the original trilogy, does Master Yoda possess a lightsaber? I would say no. It is significant that in a film, where every shot is deliberately planned, we never see a lightsaber in relation to Yoda, and the one time he acknowledges Luke's it is dismissively; "Your weapons, you will not need them." By implication, Yoda is a Buddha to Obi-Wan's warrior monk. Yoda is a teacher and a mystic, but he is not a warrior.

Force lightning is another of these things. You go back to the original trilogy, and there's a sense that the Force and what you can do with it is very personalised. Nobody but Palpatine throws lightning, not even his apprentice, and in turn nobody but Vader chokes people to death. Luke does learn the mind trick introduced by Obi-Wan, but that's part and parcel with Luke's growth into a compassionate warrior-philosopher who tries to solve conflicts nonviolently. Force Choke is not 'a dark side force power', it is Vader's power, a manifestation of his crushing authority and smothering presence.

Likewise, Force Lightning is not 'a dark side power', and it is not generic lightning. It is the Emperor's power, characteristic of his cruelty, his sadistic delight in corrupting and hurting other people. We can see this in how it is used. Force Lightning does not split steel or blast people off their feet or blow things up, like a real bolt of lightning - it transfixes Luke in agony, sends him reeling to the floor with torturous pain until he screams for his father's help.

Force Lightning is not a power of clean, straightforward energy blasts. It's a torture power. It's the power of wielding your hate and cruelty against someone with the deliberate goal of setting fire to their nerves and killing them slowly and painfully. Shit yeah it's evil as all get out, way more than the power to convince guards to look the other way rather than have to fight them.


i love the pedestrian-to-car staredown when you see them go from a rolling stop to a full stop. like that's what the fuck i thought. vehicularly manslaughter me about it


Did you guys ever see the car that got into an accident with a truck carrying hagfish

Can you even imagine being this person. Imagine you call your insurance and tell them you got in an accident. They ask what happened and you have to tell them your car got fucking hagfished

Once again the government tries to conceal the existence of dragons from us.

i came here to add an awful caption but i see im not needed here


Shit man, this wizard war is fucked. I just saw a guy clap his hands together and say "the ten hells" or some similar shit, and every one around him turned inside out, had their tibia explode and then disappeared. The camera didn't even go onto him, that's how common shit like this is. My ass is casting frostbite and level 2 poison. I think I just heard "power word:scrunch" two groups over. I gotta get the fuck outta here.


Got reminded again of my old coworker who was a massive misogynist but also trans inclusive. Told me he believed trans women are indeed women because "only women would be stupid enough to want to be women"

I wonder what he's doing now

He also aggressively corrected himself whenever he accidentally misgendered a trans guy we knew because "there's already more women than men in the world, the more numbers we steal from them, the better." Did that even when the trans guy wasn't around.

I need to point out that he was completely serious btw. This man had no sense of humor on purpose.

He was a cook at the restaurant/bar I was a bartender at, and almost punched a costumer once because he overheard him talking about how women belong in the kitchen. Told me he thought women should stay out of kitchens, that cooking is a man's job and when I asked him what he thinks women should be doing, he went quiet for a moment, then proceeded to explain to me the following

"I trust a bitch to run a kitchen as much as she can run a country, they should do shit like plumbing. Or electricity. Something you can just learn to do and don't need to lead, you know?"

Apparently women are good at "fixing shit". He claimed that he doesn't trust male plumbers or electricians except if they're gay because "something most be wrong with you if you want to go fix other people's houses, that's that maternal instinct"


I swear I saw a tumblr post on here that said ‘horses have over 4,000 bones’ and i don’t know where it came from because its totally wrong, they have 205, but what kind of fucked up horse has this person seen out there because I’m absolutely terrified of it 

extremely thankful this creature exists slightly to the left of our known reality

it sounds like a bowl of cereal when it walks

just because it has 4000 bones doesn’t mean they all must belong to it. you see where I’m going?




2018 tumblr post:

1: why do they call it a boner when theres no bone in it

2: there used to be

3: why does this sound so ominous

2025 tumblr post:

1: forward my shambling soldiers and slay without thinking. let blood flow into every crevice of this rotten land

2: yes my lady

3: yes my lady


FIRE!!!! >:D!!!!

Fireproof! :D




i grow herbs

but like the best herbs

Frogs appear around me and hand out pride flags, but only for one random hour of the day.

I have every single power mentioned in pjo

I can kiss boys so good they turn into LOSERS

if you kiss a loser does it cancel out and make them like the sexiest guy ever



appl :3

many appl :3

so many appl >:3

hit them wit the appl

i detect and affirm


I made the Calvin and Hobbes hot chocolate.

Spoiler alert, because the marshmallows are lighter they just column out the top of the mug. I had to wait for all of them to melt to be able to drink it

as someone who has a degree in what is essentially applied fluid mechanics I should've known better. but for a moment the childish wonder just overtook me

why is this post getting notes all of a sudden- NO

please dont do this to me

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