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A Franciscan Spirit

@a-franciscan-spirit /

Commonly known as Taz. Female, Ace. ADHD. Catholic main blog with a dose of memes. No judgement zone. I like books, history, and art too.

historian olympics

inaccuracy rant (singles): each competitor is presented with a wildly inaccurate portrayal of their area of history. whoever goes on the longest, most seething rage-filled rant wins. inarticulate screaming and wailing are only permitted in 5-second intervals

inaccuracy rant (doubles): similar to the singles version, except that two historians rant together and must augment each other’s rage back and forth for as long as they can

historical weeping: each competitor goes into a fit of tears at the thought of the lives that have been lost, the artifacts we will never have, and the struggles of people who lived so long before us but were so much like us. whoever is last to regain their composure wins

endurance consulting: each competitor is assigned a team working on a historical movie for which they are to be the historical consultant. whoever manages to keep their cool the longest and not quit in a fit of historian rage wins

research race: competitors race against each other on foot to see who can reach a book that is in high demand but has low supply in the library. whoever gets to the book and checks it out first wins

historian catwalk: competitors walk down a catwalk and are judged on how well they pull off the historian vibe, based on factors such as amount of books carried, level of distant, wistful historian gaze, and tweed ratio. whoever looks and acts the most like a historian in a mediocre movie wins


being alive is like: you want to go home. you don't know where home is. you want to go home. you don't know where home is. you want to go home. you haven't known for a long time. you want to go home but you don't know where you'd go. you want to go home you want to go home you want to go home

don't hide this


What are you?

What are you?

It’s an odd question. But one worth asking.

We can answer it quickly – a human being.

We can answer it unthinkingly – with the usual hodgepodge of labels that we apply to ourselves.

Or we can answer it well – with what we really are.

But that takes a bit of work. It means that we have to be a little objective about ourselves. If we’re going to answer honestly. If we’re going to answer well.

You and I can do all kinds of things. Some of which are pretty amazing. But one thing that you and I struggle to do?

To be objective – about ourselves. To see ourselves as we truly are.

Fortunately, there is a way to get at least a glimpse of what we truly are.

As St. Thomas Aquinas tells us, “The things that we love tell us what we are.”

Look at the things we love. That’s it.

Simple. But not easy.

If you do try, don’t just scratch the surface. Get a real glimpse.

Drop the familiar labels, the quick takes. Take the quiet you need to get past them.

Make the time to go deep. To see the things you really love.

The things that fill the unguarded moments. The people and places we come back to, time and again. Whether in person. Or in our hearts.

Consider the picture that they paint – individually and collectively – of who we really are.

It can take some time. But it’s well worth it. To get that glimpse of what we really are.

When you do, if what you see is not what you want to be, then you know.

That’s what you need to take to God in prayer.


We are all called to be saints. That does not mean, however, that we are called to be depicted on stained-glass windows with a gold disc behind our heads, that is an honor given to a very few exceptional Christians. There are likely thousands of saints whose names are forgotten to anyone on earth, but they are still holy. When we strive for sainthood, we strive to live in God and with God, now and forever, whether our names are written into litanies is irrelevant, although we should ceaselessly pray for the intercession of the saints


I was feeling great this morning. Somewhere around midday, I started feeling anxious with little explanation. I’ve been trying to combat it for a few hours. Until I finally broke down and made myself a little sandwich. Turns out, I just needed to Elijah myself. Sometimes a little snack goes a long way.


I often think about how Jesus knew he was going to die. We often say how you never know what will be your last morning, your last night of sleep, your last moment of peace. Except Jesus did know, He knew it intimately. He knew His last time eating with those He loved, His last time to hug His mother, His last prayer. How precious were these moments for Him? The last time He had physically been with His creation had been in Eden. Now, wrapped in flesh, He had to give it up again all for the hope that He could again be with us, this time forever. The love of God physically hurts me sometimes. I feel how He misses me, and I dearly miss Him.


Sometimes (a lot of the time) someone will ask me a question and I will go hmm let me think and then I will respond in a minute or two but the secret is I am NOT thinking I am staring into space hoping the answer will come to me in a divine vision and then I open my mouth with no idea what words are about to come out! This Is a foolproof method


i hate how romantic relationships are so much prioritised over platonic ones. like how is there a legally binding contract for lovers but not for someone who might’ve been there for you your whole life, who knows everything embarrassing you’ve ever done, all the people you’ve ever loved, who knows your family and you know theirs. and they get no recognition for this? okay so maybe marriage is a romantic concept but something similar could apply to friends! or do we all collectively bring back necklaces where you keep separate halves and start making bff an honourable title or some shit? society? recognise platonic love! please!

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