a-darling-thing reblogged
the cutest defendants on trial
@a-darling-thing / a-darling-thing.tumblr.com
the cutest defendants on trial
Hayles could barely see anything out of her vampiric lenses, but what she could see of Reid in that final look was poetic in and of itself. “It was weird because in the lenses, the stage lights, when they hit you, all you see is static,” she explains. “When I turned to look at Lestat, I saw Sam’s outline and I could just see his eyes, and so that was enough. It was a lot."
Hayles explains that final look, and it wasn’t to punish Lestat. It was “for help,” Hayles says. “She trusts him the most out of everyone in the room even though she hates him. They’re familiar with each other, so she’s turning to her parent to help her.” Anderson covers his face with his hands as he says, “Delainey! That’s so sad.”
“That final moment when Louis’s pulled away, it wasn’t even necessarily written this way, but the way me and Delainey played it was actually grabbing onto each other like this can’t be it,” Anderson shares.
Also, Jacob you are too real for this:
Anderson says Louis is thinking, “Please don’t hurt me, but also I’m so glad to see you alive and don’t you look good. F**k, I shouldn’t think that.”