For Control Panel Saturday, here's an alien navigating towards Earth. The artist is Joe Petagno, and it was used as a 1976 cover to Star Trek Log Five, by Alan Dean Foster
Happy Control Panel Saturday from "Walter and Jacques," the credited artists for this 1983 cover to the Portuguese microcomputer hobbiest magazine Micro Mundo.
The art was probably traced from a flipped version of this illustration, the 1982 cover art for Arcadia 2001's game "Space Mission" - note the similar U-shaped spaceship design above the computer screen.
You're more likely to recognize it from the illustration that they're both blatantly swiping from, however... this beautiful 1977 Ralph McQuarrie Star Wars concept.
And if you thought that weird little pop art history cul-de-sac was fun, check out my free weekly newsletter! It's nothing but stuff like this.
For Control Panel Saturday, here's 1978 album art by Frank Morris for a vinyl record of Judith Merril reading two short sci-fi stories.
Here's a very orange Control Panel Saturday, by Moebius
For Control Panel Saturday, here's John Mostacci's full-page illustration for the March 1986 issue of The Transactor, a journal specifically for the Commodore computer. Mostacci slipped his name into the image as a computer readout in addition to his signature.
Here's a little mystery for Control Panel Saturday: This two-page ad from the Feb 3, 1979 issue of Billboard seems to be signed "Ciccarelli." There's no further credit, however.
It might be Gary Ciccarelli, but his signature doesn't look the same.
It's an ad for the band Boston, but I couldn't find the image on an album anywhere else other than a 1983 Turkish vinyl of electronic classical music.
Happy Control Panel Saturday! Shusei Nagaoka's cool-blue spaceship cockpit for Deep Purple's 1978 album When We Rock, We Rock And When We Roll, We Roll includes a crucial element: 3 analog tape decks.
For 2025, I'm doing Control Panel Saturday! On Saturdays, I'll post a retro sci-fi illustration of a control panel. Here's a great 1982 illustration by Terry Hoff, used for Atari's Star Raiders 2600.