All Time Low
I Feel Like Dancing
All Time Low
I Feel Like Dancing
still laughing at this
Athelstan (via incorrectvikingsquotes)
*planet explodes* *removes one earbud* what
kido oftentimes ends up doing the boys laundry (like, going into their rooms and getting it instead of them putting it in the basket when they change) and she starts finding skirts/cute socks/girls underwear in kano’s sometimes and at first she’s really mad because she thinks he has a girlfriend...
if u unfollow someone bc of the world cup your first born son will turn into a football im sorry but that’s the curse
a Youtube comment (via narutoepicness)
I need this
imagine if someone robbed you of these and you’re just like “hahaha have fun with my snot rags you piece of shit”
crows/raven problem the dan must face
Akashi never fails.
He is absolute.
I like drawing Chibi Akashi doing the jacket thing ♪( ´ω`)