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She/Her, Taskmaster Fan, Old

Sugar Guys has a lovely cover image and articles about how to deal with workplace bullying and how to get the latest summer looks, but it also has ads, and one of them is for Greg Davies All Over Your Neck – Lou's prize task entry from series 8

S18E10 & S08E01

The Pineapple Ponderer

The LIGHTING on the reference photo bewitched me. I learned the term 'tenebrism'. I used the chalk brushes in Krita for the first time. I stole a 12 colour palette from a Norman Rockwell image. Three days of paint-over work in one layer. (Check out his eyes!)

Anonymous asked:

i was on the edge of my seat waiting to see if the new assistant training video would feature the peephole (it does), which i think means nothing in terms of timeline, but being an avid illuminescence follower really did do a number on me

Dear friend, I suspect you and I paused (and in my case, scrubbed back) on exactly the same shot of the front door closing. It's a lovely shot of the door and its new peephole.

Bit worried about the screw holes on the wall to the left - not sure what those were from.


Every Touch in Season 1 of Taskmaster UK

me and @walkingcontradiction42 have been working on a spreadsheet tracking all the physical contact across taskmaster uk


8 unique pieces of physical contact

2 coming primarily from Greg

5 coming primarily from Alex

and 1 being a joint venture

breakdown beneath the cut

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