The paint chipping on this truck looks like a skyline.
A Huge Stack Of Divvy Bikes Piled Up Outside Wrigley Field In Chicago During First Full-Capacity Weekend (2021).
Grocery Prices in Nunavut, Canada.
The reason why these prices are so astronomically high is because Nunavut is extremely far North. Due to that reason, getting supplies there proves to be quite difficult, and thus, expensive.
There are no roads to Nunavat. All the communities are only accessible by boat or plane. Any place that can't get road-based imports has things that're crazy expensive.
Even Hawaii prices can be double or triple mainland prices just because actually getting the product there is a costly expense.
The result of putting too much soap in the washing machine.
Water Ceiling Bubbles Can Be Very Disastrous.
The realization of having one spot left to paint.
The organization of carrots on this farm truck.
Inside the masks of Disney mascot characters. Sorry there are only two images but apparently these are pictures that are hard to obtain due to the secrecy of Disney.
Extracted Tooth With Intact Nerve Root.