Frogs can sometimes enter through the sink, often seeking moisture, shelter, or a warm hiding spot.
There seems to be a recurring theme of frogs imprinted in concrete.
Frog Prints On Cars.
Frog getting an X-ray.
Frogs can enter toilet drainpipes by falling into the vent pipe that leads to the sewer system.
The vent pipe is often located on the roof or along the side of a home, making it easy for tree frogs to reach. Frogs use the pipes as a clubhouse during the day, finding safety from predators and entering shade.
This knot in the wood looks like a frog.
A frog accidentally fell into wet cement.
Every day, a frog comes to this person’s house and eats their cat’s food.
Someone captured the exact moment this frog jumped out of frame.
This frog left behind its imprint hopping out the water.
A frog riding a fish.
A very small frog compared to a penny.
Babies born on a leap day were give little frog hats. February 29 is the rarest birthday to have, with only a one in roughly 1,460 chance of being born on this date. The chances are so rare that less than 0.1% of the world’s population is born on this day.
This frog’s first trip to the vet having their heartbeat examined.
Someone captured this photogenic frog outside.
This little frog was guarding the door lock overnight.
This backpack looks like a frog.