This watch from WW1 has a cage on it to protect the face from damage.
Wristwatches were mostly worn by women as fashion accessories. They were small and didn't keep very good time. It wasn't needed since they were more for form over function. The first wristwatches worn commonly by men were converted pocket watches with straps and sometimes had these cages pictured above to protect it from scratches.
#interesting#interesting facts#discover#thats interesting#thats incredible#thats insane#like woah#thats crazy#crazy#cool#thats cool#watch#watches#cage#cages#ww1#collectibles#time#woah#woahhhh#woah :0#woah dude#but woah#woah woah woah#woahg#woah who said that#what the fuck#what the hell#what the heck#what then