Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo | They're not from the same collection, but I guess someone intentionally placed them together...
[Daiichi pan’s Pokemon Sticker collection] Part 162
Moltres, Lotad, Camerupt, Donphan, Bellossom, Clamperl, Marshtomp, Cacturne and Combusken
[Daiichi pan’s Pokemon Sticker collection] Part 145
Sableye, Seviper, Duskull, Manectric, Azurill, Clamperl, Spoink, Pikachu and Lotad
[Daiichi pan’s Pokemon Sticker collection] Part 106
Torchic, Mudkip, Taillow, Lotad, Beautifly, Corphish, Mawile, Huntail and Vibrava
[Daiichi pan’s Pokemon Sticker collection] Part 97
Pikachu, Mudkip, Treeko, Whismur, Lotad, Salamence, Flygon, Absol and Exploud
[Daiichi pan’s Pokemon Sticker collection] Part 94
Aron, Wooper, Natu, Swinub, Team Rocket/Gym Leader - Giovanni, Sunflora, Pikachu, Jirachi and Lotad
[Daiichi pan’s Pokemon Sticker collection] Part 84
Snubbull, Zigzagoon, Shroomish, Pelipper, Sharpedo, Seedot, Lotad, Wingull and Vigoroth