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This is the first part of the story describing the adventures of Katie and Jack while they are on holiday with some friends. There is also a prequel describing how Katie and Jack started their relationship called Dancing in the moonlight.

The sun was high and the breeze off the ocean was just enough to keep the afternoon heat from being unbearable. I stretched out on the lounger, feeling the sun warm my skin as I sipped my mojito, enjoying the sweet tang of lime and mint. Across from me, Bex was lounging in her bikini, flipping through a magazine she was barely paying attention to. We’d both been silent for a while, just soaking in the bliss of the vacation, but there was something on my mind, something that had been itching at me for a while.

“So…” I began, glancing over at her, “do you ever miss it?”

Bex looked up from her magazine, pushing her sunglasses back to get a better look at me. “Miss what?”

“You know… when things were exciting. Like, when you and Mark first started dating,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed but needing to say it out loud.

Bex tilted her head, a slow smile creeping across her face. “Oh God, yes. Those first few months were wild. Couldn’t keep our hands off each other.”

I laughed, nodding in agreement. “Same with me and Jack. We were all over each other. There was always something new, something unexpected.”

Bex laughed and set her magazine aside, leaning back on her elbows. “Now it’s just… good, but predictable. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Mark. He’s great, but it’s always the same. Same date nights, same kind of sex. Everything’s so routine.”

“Exactly,” I said, sitting up and crossing my legs beneath me. “I love Jack to bits, but we’ve fallen into this pattern. Work, dinner, bed, repeat. It’s like we’re stuck in a loop.”

Bex nodded, her eyes sparkling as she turned toward me. “Do you ever think about what it was like back then? You know, when everything was new? That thrill of not knowing what was coming next, of not being able to keep your hands off each other?”

“Oh, all the time,” I admitted. “I miss that. The way he used to look at me, like he was dying to get me alone. Now it’s just… comfortable.”

She grinned, her voice dropping conspiratorially. “Maybe we just need to shake things up a bit.”

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her tone. “Oh? And how do you propose we do that?”

Bex’s eyes flicked over to where Mark and Jack were standing by the grill, oblivious to our conversation, talking sports or something equally mundane. She smiled that slow, mischievous smile of hers and took a long sip from her drink before leaning closer to me.

“What if we made things a little more… interesting?” she suggested, her voice low and teasing. “You know… you and Mark, me and Jack. Just for fun.”

I blinked, caught off guard but instantly intrigued. “What, like… switch?”

She nodded, her grin widening. “Why not? Just to see what happens. We flirt a little, mess around, spice things up. It’s not like we’re doing anything wrong.”

I laughed, surprised at how quickly my mind was running with the idea. “Oh my God, Bex, that’s crazy.”

“Crazy fun,” she corrected, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Think about it. We’ve been with them for years, right? We know all their moves, every look, every touch. Maybe what we need is a little shake-up.”

I couldn’t deny it – the idea was thrilling, and a little dangerous in the best way. “You think they’d go for it?”

Bex leaned back, her gaze sliding toward the guys again. “Oh, I don’t know. But it’d be fun to find out, wouldn’t it?”

The thought of Mark had never really crossed my mind before in that way. But now, as I glanced at him by the grill, shirt unbuttoned just enough to reveal a hint of his chest, I couldn’t help but notice how attractive he really was. And Bex wasn’t wrong — Jack had definitely noticed her in her bikini more than once.

I laughed again, the idea too tempting to resist. “Okay, so what’s the plan?”

“We start slow,” Bex said, leaning closer again, her voice barely a whisper. “A little flirting, a few touches, see how they react. It’s just for fun, Katie. No strings, no pressure. Just… letting loose.”

I bit my lip, feeling a rush of excitement I hadn’t felt in ages. “You’re on.”


The sun was just starting to set, casting this gorgeous, warm light over everything. The sky had that perfect blend of orange and pink, the air still heavy with the heat of the day. I glanced over at Katie, who was lounging in her chair with that glint in her eye, and we shared a look. We’d made a pact earlier — a playful, ridiculous idea that had slowly morphed into something real. Now, as the evening cooled and the wine flowed, the game was about to begin.

Mark was sitting beside me, his shirt unbuttoned just enough to catch the light on his chest. I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs and letting the hem of my sundress slide up just a little higher than usual. I could feel his eyes flicker toward me for the briefest second, like a reflex. Oh, he’s noticed.

I sipped my wine slowly, pretending not to notice the way his gaze lingered on my bare thigh. Instead, I turned my attention to Jack, who was still busying himself at the grill. I smiled to myself — perfect opening.

“You know, Jack,” I said, letting my voice drop just a little, “Katie’s always going on about how you’re the king of the grill. I might just have to steal you for our next BBQ.”

Jack glanced over, grinning, but I saw the way his shoulders tensed, just slightly. “Steal me, huh? What would Mark say about that?”

I shrugged, leaning forward just enough for my sundress to fall a little lower at the neckline. “Oh, I’m sure Mark wouldn’t mind. Right, babe?” I glanced at Mark, my eyes locking with his for a beat longer than necessary. I could see the confusion in his eyes, like he was trying to figure out what was happening.

“Uh, sure, yeah,” Mark replied with a chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck in that adorable way he did when he was flustered.

I laughed lightly, trailing a finger absentmindedly around the rim of my wine glass. “I mean, I don’t know, Jack,” I continued, turning back to him, “maybe I’ll have to see if you’re as good as Katie says. You know, test you out for myself.”

Jack raised an eyebrow at me, a little smirk playing on his lips, but I could see the curiosity in his eyes. He wasn’t quite sure what I was doing, but he wasn’t about to shut it down either. The air between us felt thick, electric, like we were teetering on the edge of something we both understood but didn’t want to admit.

Katie was watching from across the table, her eyes glinting with amusement as she ran her fingers through her hair, drawing Mark’s gaze like a magnet. I could tell she was already working her magic on him, the way she leaned forward just enough, the way her voice dropped when she spoke to him.

I had to admit, watching her flirt with Mark — watching him get flustered by it — sent a little jolt of excitement through me. I turned my attention back to Jack, ready to push things just a little further.

“So, Jack,” I said, standing up and walking over to where he was standing at the grill. I let my hand rest on his shoulder for just a second before moving around to his side. “Need any help over here? I’m sure Katie wouldn’t mind me lending you a hand.” I gave him a playful smile, and I saw the moment it hit him — that flash of awareness that there was something more going on here.

He chuckled, but there was a new tension in his posture now, like he didn’t quite know what to do with this sudden shift in energy. “I think I’ve got it under control, but… I won’t say no to some company,” he replied, his voice a little lower than usual.


I stepped in closer, just enough so that my arm brushed against his as I looked down at the food sizzling on the grill. “Smells amazing,” I murmured, letting my fingers graze his hand lightly as I reached for the tongs. “You always this good in the kitchen?”

He shot me a quick look, a little grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I’ve got a few talents,” he said, his voice dipping into something almost flirtatious. I could feel the heat between us rising, and I couldn’t help but smirk. He wasn’t pushing me away, that was for sure.

I could sense Katie working her charm on Mark behind me. I glanced over just in time to see her hand brush his arm as she laughed at something he said, her smile a little too bright, her body language too inviting. Mark, bless him, looked confused but definitely interested. I could see the gears turning in his head, trying to figure out if what was happening was real.

The tension in the air was thick now, heavy with unspoken desire. Everything felt like it was teetering on the edge of something exciting, something dangerous. Neither Jack nor Mark knew what they were walking into, but Katie and I had this under control. The game had begun, and the stakes were higher than I’d imagined.

I turned back to Jack, letting my eyes linger on his for a moment too long, before stepping back with a teasing smile. “I think I’ll leave you to it,” I said, biting my lip just slightly. “But don’t worry, I’ll be back to check on you.”

As I walked back to my seat, I could feel his eyes on me, could sense the shift in energy between all four of us. I sat down, my pulse racing in a way it hadn’t in years, and glanced at Katie. She caught my eye, her lips curving into a knowing smile. This was only the beginning, and we both knew it.

I leaned over to her, whispering just loud enough so the boys wouldn’t hear, “I think he’s taking the bait.”

Katie grinned, taking a sip of her wine. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”


The night had deepened, but the heat between us hadn’t cooled a bit. After dinner, we all moved to the lounge chairs around the pool, the evening still heavy with that summer warmth. The wine was flowing, the air buzzing with the quiet hum of conversation. But beneath it all, there was something electric. Every time I glanced at Bex, we shared this knowing look — like two partners-in-crime, ready to push the game a little further.

Mark sat across from me, his shirt hanging open, casual and loose, exposing the muscles of his chest in a way I couldn’t ignore. There was a new awareness between us, a tension that hadn’t been there before. I let my gaze linger on him for just a moment too long, and when he caught me looking, I didn’t look away. I smiled.

He shifted in his chair, looking slightly uncertain, but there was something else in his eyes now — curiosity, maybe? Desire? I could feel the power in the way I was drawing him in, slowly, without him even fully realizing it yet.

“So, Mark,” I said, my voice soft but teasing, “tell me again about that project you’re working on? It sounds like a lot of late nights.”

He blinked, caught off guard by my sudden interest, but smiled. “Yeah, it’s been pretty hectic, actually. Lots of late nights.” He ran a hand through his hair, his voice a little more relaxed now. “You know how it is. Work gets in the way of… everything else.”

I tilted my head, letting my fingers trace the edge of my wine glass as I locked eyes with him. “That sounds exhausting,” I said, my voice dipping just enough to make him take notice. “No time for fun?”

He chuckled, but there was a nervous edge to it. “Not as much as I’d like.”

I leaned forward, just enough for the neckline of my dress to dip slightly, drawing his eyes without making it obvious. “Well, that’s a shame. Everyone needs a little fun now and then.” I let the words hang there, my gaze steady on him.

I could see his chest rise and fall a little faster, like he was trying to keep cool but couldn’t quite manage it. He shifted in his seat again, his eyes flicking to mine and then away, like he was afraid to get caught staring.

“You know,” I said, standing up slowly, letting the night air brush against my skin as I walked toward the edge of the pool, “sometimes, a change of scenery is all it takes to make things feel… fresh again.”

I could feel his eyes on me, could almost sense the way his thoughts were spiralling. I turned back to him, letting my fingers trail along the top of a nearby chair as I walked. “What do you think, Mark? Ever feel like trying something new?”

His breath caught just slightly, and when his eyes met mine again, there was no hiding the flicker of interest there. I smiled, letting my hand drop and turning walking away before he had a chance to answer. My hips swayed as I walked inside feeling his gaze on me. 

Jack and Bex had moved inside, I felt guilty that I hadn’t even noticed. They were sitting on the sofa together and Bex was whispering in his ear. Jack looked up as I came in, coughed and stood up “Ready for bed?” He asked. His voice was horse and gravely as it often was when he got aroused. 

I smiled at him “Yeah it’s getting a bit late, you coming, or are you going to stay chatting for a bit longer?”

He flushed guiltily and led the way upstairs. I shared a final excited glance with Bex before heading up after him.

As soon as we got into our room, Jack shut the door behind us. His eyes were full of desire, his breath quickened. I couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement wash over me. After all these hours of teasing and flirting, I was so pent up I was ready to bust. I stepped closer to him too, our bodies barely touching but electric with anticipation. The energy was similar to those first few months again. I knew as I moved into him that he was picturing Bex and that was fine, got that was more than fine it was hot. 

"You know," he started, his voice low and seductive, "I've been waiting for this all day." His hands reached out and traced the line of my collarbone, sending shivers down my spine.

Without another word, he pulled me into a passionate kiss. Our lips met in a hungry, desperate dance, tongues entwining as our bodies moved against each other. It was like nothing else mattered but this moment, this connection between us.

I could feel his hardness pressing against my stomach through his trousers, making me moan into his mouth. I pushed him back against the wall, my hands roaming over his chest and abdomen. My fingers danced over his erection through his pants, sending shivers down his spine.

"Katie," he groaned, breaking our kiss briefly. "You have no idea how much I've wanted this." His eyes were full of desire, his face flushed with passion.

I smiled at him devilishly, feeling the heat between us rise even higher. Without another word, I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, revealing his bare chest beneath. My fingers danced over his skin, tracing the line of his pecs and down towards his hard nipples.

"Katie," he whispered again, pulling me closer into him. "I need you." His hands moved up my back, gripping my waist as if he couldn't get close enough.

Without another word, I pushed him onto the bed and straddled his hips. His breath caught in his throat as I unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them off along with his boxer shorts.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, so ready for me. His erection was standing stiff and to attention. You could have raised a flag on it.

Without another word, I leaned over him and took off my cover-up. My breasts spilled out into the cool air, causing him to moan lowly beneath me. My hands traced over his shoulders and down his arms, feeling the tension building between us.

"Katie," he whispered again, reaching up to touch my breast through the fabric of my bra. His fingers danced over my nipple, making it harden into a peak.

I couldn't help but smile at him, feeling the heat between us rise even higher. Without another word, I lifted myself up and slid down over him manhood. Neither of us were in the mood for foreplay. We both needed release not more teasing. 

With a low groan, he pulled me down onto him, our bodies connecting in a passionate embrace. Our lips met once again, tongues tangling as our hips began to move together. The feel of him inside me driving me insane.

As our bodies moved rhythmically against each other, I could feel him getting closer and closer to climax. His hands gripped my hips tighter, urging me on as he neared his peak. Finally, with a loud groan, he released himself deep within me, his orgasm sending waves of pleasure coursing through both our bodies. As he came, I cried out loudly, feeling his seed filling me up. The sensation was intense, almost overwhelming as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me as I felt my muscle involuntary spasm as I lost control.

For several moments, we stayed locked together, breathing heavily and feeling the aftermath of our passionate encounter. With a final sigh, we broke apart, still catching our breath from our exertions. I looked at him with a mix of relief and excitement, knowing that this was just the beginning of something beautiful. I knew by the end of the weekend this beautiful exquisite moment will have been the least of our experiences. 


The morning sun was already bright, casting a soft, golden glow over the villa as I padded into the kitchen. My body still hummed with satisfaction from last night, a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth as I thought about Mark. It had been good — no, it had been great — the kind of sex we hadn’t had in a while. We’d found something again, some spark that had flickered back to life after all the teasing and flirting from the day.

I found Katie leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping her coffee with a contented smile on her face. She looked… different, like she’d had the same kind of night I did. That mischievous glint in her eye hadn’t gone anywhere, though.

“Morning,” I said, grabbing my own mug and filling it, letting the steam rise around me. “You look… satisfied.”

Katie let out a soft laugh, raising an eyebrow. “You could say that. Jack was on fire last night.” She paused, her eyes flicking toward me. “You too, I’m guessing?”

I took a sip, letting the warmth of the coffee settle me. “Oh yeah. Mark was… amazing. It’s been a while since we had a night like that.”

There was a beat of silence as we both sipped our drinks, the memory of last night lingering between us. But I couldn’t help wondering if we were still on the same page about this little game we started. Sure, it had reignited something with our own husbands, but that wasn’t the plan — not entirely, at least.

I leaned against the counter, looking at Katie. “So,” I began, keeping my tone light, “does that mean you’re tapping out? Last night was pretty damn good… but I’m still curious about the whole swap.”

Katie’s smile widened, a glint of mischief still dancing in her eyes. She set her mug down, crossing her arms casually. “Oh, I’m not backing out,” she said, her voice playful but sure. “Last night was incredible, yeah. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see where this goes. We’ve started something… and I’m not ready to stop just yet.”

I grinned, feeling a flicker of excitement at her words. “Good,” I said, “because I was hoping we weren’t done playing.”

Katie’s laugh was soft but full of promise. “We’re just getting started, Bex. Just getting started.”
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