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Ever since HB 2469 passed, or the H-Bill as it was often called, Humiliation is the approved form of discipline. Laura, a high school teacher, breaks a rule and finds herself having to deal with ever increasing humiliation. She thought the humiliation from the last two days of the previous week were bad, but the start of a new week adds even more challenges.
Monday morning at school. Laura steeled herself for what she was sure was going to be a challenging day, and as expected, just like the last couple of school days, Mark met her as she walked in.

“Laura, I am so glad the I caught you again. We are going to have to make some minor changes again for today. You see there have been some complaints about you from the students. Your masturbation, in particular.”

“Mark, I try to not do it, but I learned that the flavoring in the drink is designed to lower inhibitions. Now that I know about the effects, I will resist any urges that I have.”

“Oh, I think you have it backwards. The complaints are from your morning classes. It seems that you have been primarily masturbating, orgasming in particular, in the afternoon. The earlier classes are feeling cheated. They have not gotten the privilege of seeing you orgasm. This will now be a mandatory requirement. You are to start the class by masturbating to orgasm during the five minutes allowed for relief for sentenced individuals. Then you may do your normal teaching.”

“That is horrible. I never intended to masturbate, let alone orgasm, in front of anyone. It just happened. I found out later that the flavoring changed a person’s libido. I just won’t add any flavors today. I should not have the need to masturbate then.”

“About the water that was delivered by the H-Department this morning. Since you had added a packet of flavor in each bottle on Friday, the flavors have already been added to the water for your convenience. Oh, One other thing, The H-Department noted that on at least one occasion you needed to pee, but you had to stay at your podium due to time constraints and you did not have the carafe available. The H-Department and we, realized how much of a distraction it was for you to have to go and get the carafe and then stand at your podium when you pee, you will no longer need to do so.”

“I get to use the restroom?”

“Oh no! That is what started this all off. No, you are to have a volunteer hold it for you.”

“WHAT! No! That’s horrible!”

“That is part of the rules for today. You must pick a volunteer to hold it for you when you pee. You will still be at the podium, but have your volunteer hold it for you. They may not touch you with their hands unless you give them permission to do so, that is.”

“But that is too much! No one is going to want to hold it for me. I will not be able to pee, and I will have an accident. What are the penalties if I pee on the floor?!?”

“We thought of that, so you are to instruct them to use the carafe, when you are done peeing that is, to bring you to an orgasm as a reward, both for you and for them. They can use the edge, just like you like to use it. You can coach them on how to bring you to orgasm. We’ve had positive feedback from everyone that saw you do that, and I am sure you will be able to find a volunteer to do it for you. They will get a close-up view of the act.”

“I don’t like this at all! Are you sure this is allowed? I think this is beyond the reasonable expectations of my sentence.”

“Thought you may have some difficulty with this one. I have a tablet with the web page pulled up with your file. You can read it for yourself.” He handed the tablet to her to review.

She quickly scanned the file, she looked at the site address, and it appeared that Mark’s information was correct. She handed the tablet back to him.

“If you still have trouble finding volunteers you may just pick someone. At least one student is required to assist you with the carafe. If you pee more than once per period, you may choose the same person or another. You may even offer the incentive of allowing them to touch you with their hands to get you to orgasm as a bonus. You are a smart lady; I am sure you can figure out a way to do what you need to do. Maybe you can do something for them. I’m not saying that’s needed, but that is an allowed option. Since you are the teacher, you are not limited to orgasms during the first five minutes of class time for relief. You may orgasm as many times as you like during each class. Feel free to ask for assistance any time you feel the need. You are required to have an orgasm at least once during the first five minutes of class, and each time you pee. But you may have as many more as you feel you may need. You may use your hands, or if you have something, a toy, to help yourself get off any time during the period. The only time you are REQUIRED to have an assistant is if you are peeing. But you may have a helper any other time.”

“I don’t want to have any orgasms! I should not be required to orgasm in front of my students. That is too far.”

“I would tend to agree, but your past actions are the direct cause of this. Had you not been so willing to have multiple orgasms already in front of your classes, I doubt this would have been an issue. But since we can’t make SOME of your students unsee your orgasms, the only option we have is to let ALL your students see you have orgasms. We are just trying to be fair.”

“I think my definition of fair is different than yours. What if I don’t have the required two orgasms per period?”

“The H-Department was unclear about that. They said minimal violations could add time to your sentence, moderate violations would result in more time, Greater violations could even result in a Yellow modifier or more.”

“What constitutes each level of violation?”

“That is what was unclear. We did try to ask for your benefit, but the response was only that it would be determined by the local H-Board committee pending a review of your actions throughout the day. Further inquiries were not responded to. I would suggest you have more organisms than required. Don’t miss any podium standing time and drink all your water. The latter two at least have clearly defined penalties.”

“it looks like you will have a pleasure filled day. You should have at least seven orgasms, one at the start of each period and then more organisms for each time you pee. Friday you peed about seven or eight times so that is at least seven or eight more for at least fourteen or fifteen orgasms during your workday. How many people can say that they are required to orgasm that many times while at work? I would suggest you think of it as a fun filled day.” He turned and headed for the office building.

“Again, I think your definition of fun and mine are different.” Laura mumbled to the air.

When Laura got to her room, she saw that the water cart had changed to a table without wheels. There were 7 bottles with various pale colors of water. They were indeed laced with that damn flavoring that caused her to be horny. She also would not be allowed to move the cart near her pedestal. She would need to be careful to plan on having extra water near her at all times so that she doesn’t fall behind with her drinking. When she grabbed a water bottle that was closest to her, she was about to grab the carafe, but then thought why. A student was going to be holding it, so it did not matter if she had it near her or not.

How the fuck am I going to ask one of my students to hold the damn carafe under me so that I can pee into it. Should it be a boy or a girl. She was not sure which was worse. What if they don’t hold it correctly and some pee gets on the floor. So many questions, so little guidance. If she violates any rules she doesn’t even know about, things will just get worse.


She was retrieving some handouts from the bottom cupboard when her first students started arriving.

“Nice view Ms. B.” was the first comment she heard. “Your pussy is nicely displayed when you bend over “like that. I can even see your ass hole. Do you like it in the ass Ms. B?”

She had not been thinking and had bent from her hips and not bent down using her knees. She immediately stood up and felt her face get warm.

“Hello Jake.”

“Are you going to pee in front of us again? I see you are drinking water again. So, I bet you are.”

“Jake, please take your seat. I will explain what I need to do once everyone is here.”

“Cool, I think it is wild that our teacher has her pussy out in the open and pees in front of us. Do you like it Ms. B? Do you find it hot to expose yourself like that? I know you have masturbated in other classes. Why haven’t you played with your pussy in our class. That would be so cool to see you play with yourself.”

“Jake please take your seat. I am not going to talk about it until everyone is here.”

“Hay, Ms. B. Did you know you are my favorite bottomless teacher?” Aaron said as he sauntered in.

As Laura was waiting for the bell to ring Sadie came in. She was topless and on her wrist was a Red band. She shyly said, “Hey Ms. B.”

“Sadie what happened?”

“Who cares? We get to see pussy and tits, in this class. That is fucking cool!” Jake said.

“Jake, we have talked about this. I know you CAN say those things, but you really don’t need to say them.”

“But I like to!”

“So, Sadie, what’s the story.?” Laura asked.

“I was driving Mom’s car, and I did not have it on auto-drive, and I ran into a streetlight when I over compensated when I made a turn. My parents flipped out. I thought they were going to make me a Yellow on the spot. They said it would be for a month. I pleaded with them to not make me a Yellow. They finally relented and gave me an alternative sentence. They said I could pick one of six options. I could be topless with a bra, bottomless with panties, completely topless or completely bottomless, only underwear, or full nude. Not only could I choose the level of my sentence I could also choose the length of time, from one week to three months. I thought it was a no brainer, I readily agreed to the alternate sentence.

Then, they told me how I would be choosing. I had to pick a card from a card deck. A heart would be bra, a club would be panties, a diamond would be topless, a spade would be bottomless. The value would be the number of weeks. Ace was one week and king thirteen.”

“How could you be underwear or completely nude?” Someone asked.

“The deck also had two jokers. A red joker would be only underwear for three months, and black joker would be nude for three months.”

“You could have been Yellow for three Months?” Emma asked?

“That was the risk. I tried to convince them to do anything other than that stupid pick a card game. They said there was no going back. They had already made a compromise; they were not going to make a second. And they said the one month as a Yellow was off the table. I drew a jack of diamonds. I now have to be topless for the next eleven weeks.”

“Cool.” Ted said.

“Not cool. I hate my boobs. They are too small. I barely fill out a B-cup. And now that they are out in the open, my nipples are always hard. They are sensitive and any breeze seems to set them off.”

As they were talking about Sadie, Aiden walked in wearing boxers. His band was green and white.

“Aiden?” Laura asked.

“I talked back to my parents. One week as a Green and White.”

The Bell rang at that point.

Laura took a deep breath to calm her nerves and said, “Okay class. There appears to have been some complaints about my actions on Thursday and Friday. It appears that the someone in the mornings has complained that I have masturbated in some classes and not others. The H-Board and the School administration are now requiring that I do so at the beginning of each class and,” there were some cheers and hoots around the room, “and any time I need to use the pee carafe I must have a volunteer hold it for me. I am not allowed to hold it myself.”

Jake’s hand shot up, “I volunteer to hold it first.”

“We’ll see. Now, we have some other sentenced individuals in this class, do either of you need relief? If so, solo or with help?”

“I’m okay for now,” Sadie said.

‘I guess I’m okay too.” Aiden said.

“Okay, since there are no requests for relief, I guess I am the only one then.” Laura reached between her legs as she stood at the podium and started rubbing her pussy. It was humiliating to have her legs stretched out wide exposing herself but having to masturbate in front of 28 students added a whole new level of humiliation.

She ran her hand up and down her pussy lips and a felt a shiver run through her body. She pinched her clit and felt another run through her. As she rubbed herself, she felt pleasure, but it was not enough to take her over the top. She felt her breathing increase but only a little. The thought of having 56 eyes watching her was crushing any chance of an orgasm. It was just too much. She tried to close her own eyes and will herself anywhere else but the front of her class.

“Go for it, Ms. B.” “That is cool.” “Need some help Ms. B.?” “Ya, I can help!” “No, I can help better.” “I bet I could do better than any of you.” “Hey, Ms. B., what to ride my cock?” “She doesn’t want to ride your pencil dick!” “Who you callin’ a pencil dick, dick head.” “My girlfriend says I have a magic tongue, We practice liking pussy on each other. Want me to help?” The chatter came from both male and female students.

“Please stop, you are not helping. You’re distracting more than helping.” Laura pleaded.

She felt her band vibrate. She looked at the screen on the podium. Where it had just been class time, added time, and remaining podium time. A new section appeared at the bottom of the screen and the times had moved to the upper half only. A text appeared.

“Start of class masturbation req. met. Failure to climax during req. time:

Cumulative Score -0.5 points.”

-0.5 points, what did that mean? She had no idea.

The humiliation of all her students watching her masturbate and making crude comments about it, while she did it, had been too much to allow her to climax. Now she had a penalty. Maybe if she continued to masturbate and climaxed at a later time, she could make up for the -0.5 points.

She had Sadie hand out some papers for the new chapter they were starting today. As she talked, she continued to rub her pussy with one hand. As independent study time came and less eyes were on her, she finally felt the constant playing with herself starting to pay off. As she stuck a couple of fingers deep into herself and rubbed her clit with her thumb, she finally started to cum. She heard a number of whispers around the room, as she neared her climax, but by that time she was so close she didn’t care. She bit her lip as spasms ran though her body. She used her free arm to hang onto the podium to prevent her from collapsing.

“Congratulations Ms. B. You did it!” Jake said. “We finally got to see you climax in our classroom.”

She felt a buzz on her wrist.

She looked at the text on the podium screen and a new line appeared.

“Unscheduled climax +0.25

Cumulative Score -0.25 points.”

Evidently, she had erased part of the penalty score.

Once the tremors from her climax started to subside, she felt her blader give her a message that it was now time to pee. She tried to resist but the feeling only got stronger. She did not want to call on anyone to help her but knew she had no choice but to do so.

“Class, I hate to ask this, but it is one of my requirements for today. I need to pee, and I am not allowed to hod the carafe. Whoever I choose will also need to use the carafe to masturbate me to orgasm. Hate to ask any…”

“I’ll do it. Please pick me!” Jake cut in.

“As I was saying I hate to ask anyone to do this. But it is a requirement. Anyone other than Jake?”

“Why not me? I said I would do it at the start of class. Why anyone but me?”

“Jake, I have asked repeatedly for you to cut your vulgar talk. I will not reward you by allowing you to do what you want. If you cut the vulgar talk, we can see about tomorrow, if this is still what is required. If you behave between now and tomorrow, I may, I repeat MAY, allow you to do what you want. But not today. Now is there anyone else?”

Sadie raised her hand. “Ms. B. I volunteer. I am sentenced to being eleven weeks topless, but that is all. I don’t know how you are dealing with the ridiculous requirements they are putting on you. I will help you.”

“Thank you, Sadie.”

Sadie got the carafe from the cart and walked up to her teacher and placed it between her legs. Laura reached down and adjusted the exact placement. “Right there. Please just hold it in place.”

Laura tried to pee and was not able to. It was so humiliating to have a student hold the pee carafe for her. Sadie’s face was only a foot from her pussy, and she was looking directly at it. But she had to pee so badly. She thought of waterfalls, dripping faucets, babbling streams, anything with running water. But Nothing.

“Ms. B. Are you going to pee or not?” Sadie said. “By the way, your pussy looks nice up close. Your pussy lips are very prominent. Mine are kind of hidden.”

“Sadie, that is not helping. I’m sorry I am taking so long. I really do need to pee, but it is just so humiliating with you looking at me there so closely.”

“That is okay with me. I don’t get to look at a pussy other than mine, and then I can only do that with a mirror. I like looking at your pussy.”

“Sadie, Please!” Laura had to pee so badly it was starting to hurt. She had a similar problem when she had to pee the first time when she was holding the carafe. Eventually pressure overrode embarrassment. A trickle started and soon a flood of pee came gushing out of her into the glass container. As usual, the shape and material of the container made it sound louder than it should.

“WOW Ms. B. You are really letting it out. I didn’t know a person could pee so fast. I bet if you were on your back and peed like you are now, it would shoot out ten feet or more. That is amazing to see up close. I just know where it comes out of me, but seeing it come out of someone else is really interesting.”

Laura tried to ignore what Sadie was saying and just concentrated on letting the pee out. God, it felt so good to pee. As before, it felt better because she had held it in. She wasn’t having an orgasm, but it did feel wonderful to pee. After what seemed like forever, the pee stream started to diminish. The Carafe was almost full.

“I had no idea your bladder could hold so much pee. You really had to go didn’t you. I was starting to get afraid that you were going to overflow the container and pee on my hand. That was amazing, Ms. B. I have to use the carafe to masturbate you now, don’t I?”

“That is the requirement of the day. Every time I pee, I need to orgasm too.”

Sadie tried to rub the edge of the carafe against Laura’s pussy, but it was crude motions and did nothing to pleasure her. She rubbed too hard and in the wrong places. Where she had been close to orgasm when she was done peeing, she was soon losing any arousal. “Sadie, please stop, you’re hurting me. You’re pressing too hard and not in the right spots. Ow!”

“I’m sorry Ms. Burk. I’m not sure how to use this carafe to give you pleasure. I know you don’t have a blue modifier, but if you say so, I can use my hand and I am sure I can do better.”

“Oh, Sadie, I’m sorry. I will take the penalty for not achieving orgasm after I pee. I don’t want you to have to do that for me.”

“It’s okay, really. I know what I like and … well, I want to see how you feel. You are different down here than I am, and I know how I feel. I want to see how the difference feels. Is that okay? I have never felt another pussy and, well this is an opportunity to feel a grown woman’s pussy. Please let me feel you.”

“Oh God. This is so embarrassing. Go ahead and do what you can. I really appreciate you going the extra distance for me.”

Sadie set the carafe on the floor, off to the side. She then gently touched Laura’s spread pussy. At first it was light touching of her pussy lips. Then she used her other hand to run through the thick hair above her pussy. Sadie used her fingers to run up and down her pussy lips. Soon she grabbed a lip in each hand and pulled them down and apart. Before it started to hurt, Sadie let go. “Your lips are stretchy Ms. B. You are getting wet down here and it is not from the pee. You are getting all slippery. This is so cool to see up close.”

Laura felt Sadie rub her clit. She raised up on her toes a little when she felt the sensation and a low moan escaped her lips. Sadie gently rolled Laura’s clit between index finger and thumb on one hand and slowly inserted two fingers on her other hand into her pussy and wiggled them independently. Within moments Laura was moaning out loud and she felt her legs get weak. Had she not been able to have both hands on the podium, she would have collapsed when the big orgasm hit.

It took a moment for her to register the sound she was hearing. Her class was clapping! Sadie was still playing with her pussy, and she had to say, “Sadie, please stop. Thank you very much. That was wonderful. You did your job very well.”

“Thank you, Ms. B. Yours is the first pussy, other than mine that is, that I have played with. I’m glad you liked it.” She took the two fingers that had been in Laura’s pussy and stuck them in her mouth to clean them off. “MMmmm, Ms. B., You taste really good too. I have never tasted another pussy before. If you call me again, maybe I can use my tongue instead of my fingers.”

“That is quite enough Sadie. You really have done enough. I don’t plan on having anyone’s tongue in my pussy today. Okay class, the show is over for now. Please resume working on your homework.”

Laura looked at the display and saw that her time on the pedestal was up. The message section said:

“Required urination climax achieved.

Cumulative Score -0.25 points.”

Well at least she did not have any more penalty added to her score so far.

She reached down and took the carafe to the table in the back of the room and poured the contents into the bucket. She had also finished one of the bottles, so she grabbed another. Might as well get started on the next. No need to delay the inevitable of having to drink them all.

There were no other incidents during the last ten minutes of the class. Laura thought as humiliating as it is to have to masturbate in front of her students in every class, maybe she could survive the day.


Laura stood on her podium stand as the second period class started filling in. Jen walked in and was still topless.

“Hello Jen, How are you doing today? How was your weekend.”

“I’m okey. As you can see, I am still topless. At least at school I can wear a nice skirt. Over the weekend my parents upped my sentence to ‘make me keep my sentence on my mind’ they said. They only allowed me to wear underwear that they had bought specifically for me for the weekend. They were small bikini panties. I had never owned ones that small on my own. They said that it would be an incentive to study more.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“That wasn’t the worst part. The theater club had a car wash Saturday morning and since I am an officer for the club I was required to help out. As soon as my panties got wet, I almost looked nude. I tried to convince my parents to at least let me wear shorts during the car wash, but they were unbudging. The only good thing I can say is that we made more money than we have ever made. I wasn’t the only sentenced there. Eddie is a full-on Yellow. He was completely nude, and he had a hardon most of the time. And Hannah, a sophomore girl was also only wearing panties. Hers were not as thin as mine, though. Part of the money we made came from ladies that would give extra donations for being allowed to stroke Eddie while their car was being washed. I think he came five times during the four hours of the event.”

“Hey boobs, and Ms. Pussy, I mean Jen and Mrs. B” Chris said as he came walking into the class.

“Chris, We talked about this, while you may say nasty things to anyone sentenced, courtesy dictates that you refrain from doing so. I have talked to some of your other teachers, and they all agree with me on this. While we cannot do anything to you as long as you are not sentenced, you may find that life can be made more unpleasant for you than they could otherwise be.” That last was a bluff, she had not talked to the others, but he did not need to know that.

“I was just having a little fun. I will behave.” Chris said sullenly.

As the class was entering another student Isaac came in wearing only boxes.

Jen was the first to comment, “Hay Isaac, welcome to the club. Do tell.”

“Hi Jen, I called my mother a “Bitch.” I wanted to go to a movie with a few friends on Sunday evening, but mom said that it was a school night and wouldn’t let me go. She said I needed a dressing down and made me a White right then. I now can only wear my underwear until next Sunday evening.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Jen said.

“The worst thing is that with you and Ms. B. exposed as you are, I am going to have a hard on all class. If I had normal clothes on, I could hide it. In just boxers, It… well… you know. I don’t mean to disrespect you and all but… I can’t help it.”

“Thank you, Isaac. I take that as a compliment. I guess I have kind of gotten used to being topless.”

The bell rang. “Okay class, as you can see, I have my water that I need to drink here with me. I am also required to masturbate to orgasm during the start of class. There were parent complaints that some classes saw me orgasm and some did not. The powers that be, have decreed that now I have to masturbate in every class, whether I want to or not. On that note, do any of the sentenced need relief?”

Isaac’s hand went up. “I don’t really want to, but I have a hard on that is poking through the fly of my boxers and the air is making it worse. I am not sure if I can concentrate if I don’t relieve myself.”

“Okay Isaac, I understand. Do you want help or alone?”

Before he could answer, Jen blurted out. “Isaac, I want relief too. Why don’t you do me and I will do you?”

“Really? You are out of my league, Why would you want to help me?”

“Don’t sell yourself short. You have always been nice to be around. You are normally polite, and you are kind of cutie, and it looks like you have a nice cock. I would like to see it up close if that is okay with you.” She discreetly reached under her long skirt and wiggled around. Then she said, “There. No panties. You lay down on the floor, and I will straddle you. I’m not going to go flashing my puss all around. You get to see it, but you will be under my skirt.”

“I’m cool with that!” Isaac said.

Laura observed all of this as she was rubbing her own pussy. Laura’s mind wandered to what does Jen taste like. Was she as good tasting as Summer. When did she start liking the taste of pussy? A week ago, she had never tasted a pussy and now she had lost track of how many she had tasted.

Isaac laid down on the padded mat that was in each class now as standard equipment for such use. Jen had a long flowing skirt that she fluffed out as she settled over Isaacs head. “How is that Isaac, can you breathe or even see?”

“It is a little dark, but I can see and breathe just fine. God damn, you’re fine down here. This makes it all worthwhile getting sentenced! Thank you, Jen, for choosing me.”

“Hey, don’t get ahead of yourself, I haven’t done this before, so I am not sure how much you will enjoy my part of this. I’ll try my best; I’m looking forward to tasting my first cum. I plan on swallowing no matter what it tastes like.” A muffled, “Oh God.” Was all that could be heard from under her skirt.

As Jen leaned forward to pull Isaac’s underwear down, she suddenly breathed in sharply though her nose. “Fuck Isaac, that feels so good, Thank you!” The leaned in and kissed the tip of his now exposed cock. His hips jerked up a couple of inches as she did so, and the tip slid between her lips. Soon she was bobbing up and down and moaning. Her hips were bouncing and responding to whatever Isaac was doing to her beneath her skirt.

Laura thought it was very erotic and soon felt herself orgasming. She did not stop rubbing herself and soon felt another larger orgasm hit her and twenty seconds later a third. Then she was too sensitive to continue. She held onto the podium with both hands to prevent herself from collapsing to the floor.

“Start of class masturbation req. met. Multiple climaxes during req. time +0.20 points

Cumulative Score -0.05 points.”

She was surprised at the cumulative score. Evidently additional multiple climaxes added .1 each.

As she looked at Jen and Isaac on the floor, both their bodies simultaneously went rigid and then quivered. Jen spoke first, “Fuck Isaac, if I had known that being eaten out would feel so fucking good, I would have done it long ago. You also taste nice too. It is subtle but I like it. I want to do that again if you would like to.” She stood and Isaacs slick face appeared from below her skirt.

“Fuck yes, I want to. You taste fantastic, I have dreamt about doing that with you for the longest time. I, I, I’m sorry. I did not mean to say that out loud.”

“You said you have wanted to do that to me for a long time? What did you mean? How long? Why?”

“I have been infatuated with you since we were in sixth grade when you moved here.”

“You never acted like it. You hardly ever speak to me.”

“I never thought I had a chance with you.”

“Fuck, You ever do to me again what you just did, I am all yours. I’m sorry I’m sure you didn’t enjoy me going down on you as much as I enjoyed you on me.”

“Fuck that, You were great.”

“Okay love birds, Enough of that. It is time for class to start, Please take your seats. Do either of you need to wipe your faces off?”

They both simultaneously said, “No, I like the smell.” They looked at each other and laughed.

“OK then, in addition to being required to masturbate at the start of class and having to drink the water and pee in front of you, I am also required to have one of you hold the carafe when I pee and then help me masturbate again using the edge of the carafe.”

“I volunteer!” Chris said.

“Chris, I will pick anyone else other than you. You have been crude when I have asked you to not be. I am not going to reward you for distasteful behavior.”

“aww, Come on Ms. B. I was just having a little fun. I did not say anything that wasn’t allowed.”

“That may be true, but I still don’t like it. Since I am the one that chooses, I am not going to choose you.”

Jen raised her hand. “May I help you.”

“Why would you want to do that Jen?”

“Ms. B., You have been helpful and supportive of me as I have been sentenced. I just want to help you in return.”

“Okay, Jen. When I feel the need to pee, I will let you know.”

For the next twenty minutes, the class ran like a normal math class. As normal as could be that is with a bottomless teacher with her legs spread wide in front of her class drinking water that enhances horniness, that is.

Laura’s hand often reached between her legs and lazily rubbed her pussy. She thought “Hell, if I have to masturbate to orgasm, I might as well be part of the way along all the time. That would simply make it easier to climax when needed.”

When it was time for independent study, the class was fairly quiet. Laura had logged enough minutes on her podium so that she could walk around the class and observe the work the students were doing. Occasionally one would have a question that she would quietly answer.

Then her bladder announced that it was full again and needed to be emptied. She walked up to Jen and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. She looked at the water table and then nodded her head to the podium. Jen understood.

Jen got up from her desk and walked to the back of the classroom to retrieve the carafe as Laura took her position on the podium. When Jen knelt down in front of her, she directed Jen to hold the carafe just so, so that she could pee into it. Most of the class, at this point had stopped working and were watching the scenario play out in front of the room. Someone said, “Hay Jen, move to the side so that everyone can see better.”

Jen moved to the side to comply with the request. Soon Laura released a strong stream into the carafe. It. With everyone being so quiet, it sounded louder than normal. Laura heard Jen whisper, “Wow. That is so fucking hot. I have only seen it from the angle when I pee. Down here I get to really see it come out.”

Laura felt her face and chest heat with the shame of it all. Peeing is something you do in private behind a closed door, not in front of a classroom of students. And not with one of those students face inches from her pussy watching.

As before, it felt incredibly tingly when she peed. Whatever was in the damn water made it so. When the stream stopped, Laura said, “Please use the edge to help stimulate me. I’m not supposed to touch myself after I pee, but I am required to orgasm. I don’t know the twisted reasons for that, I just have to follow the rules.”

As before, Jen had trouble getting the edge of the carafe in just the right spot to help Laura get off. The pressure was a little too hard and just not at the correct spot. “I’m sorry Ms. B. I am just not sure how to use this edge in the right way. If it were a dildo or something like that, I’m sure I could figure it out, this carafe is just such an awkward item, and it is kind of heavy to move around because it is so full of your pee. You really did pee a lot by the way. Can you just give me permission to touch you myself. I know what I like, and I am sure I can make you cum soon.”

“Oh Jen, I am sorry, You don’t have to do that, I will just take the penalty point for not cuming.”

“Nonsense, Just say the word and I will gladly help you out.”

“Okay, You have my permission to touch me yourself.”

Laura was not expecting what came next. Jen leaned in and ran her tongue the full length between her pussy lips.

Laura was so shocked, she almost stepped off the podium. “JEN, what are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“I am just doing what I know I like. Isaac showed me how much fun it is to have a face between my legs. Besides, I just tasted Isaac, now I want to taste a woman to compare the taste to while it is fresh in my mind.” She continued to lick Laura a few more times before she planted her mouth firmly on Laura’s pussy and stuck her tongue in a deep as she could. A shudder ran though Laura. Then she moved her mouth a little bit and started nibbling on and sucking Laura’s clit.

Soon a massive orgasm ran though Laura’s body. She felt as if she was gushing between her legs. In reality it was much milder, but Jen licked up as much of the juices as she could. Eventually Laura had to say, “Jen, PLEASE STOP! I can’t take any more. We have done what needed to be done. Please stop now.”

“That was awesome. Thank you, Ms. B., I now know I like both guys and girls taste. I like guys more, but I do like how you tasted too. Any time you want someone to like your pussy, and I am around, please don’t hesitate to ask.” Jen laughed.

“That is quite alright Jen. I don’t want to make this a habit. OK Class, show is over, you have ten more minutes of study time. Please use them for doing your math homework.”

As Jen passed Isaac she leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips. He licked his lips and said, “You are right Jen, She is a little different taste than you, but she tastes good too.”

Laura heard Isaac’s comment and felt even more humiliated than she had before. Now her students were talking about how good her pussy tasted. How humiliating.

“Required urination climax achieved. Minimal additional bonus for using student oral stimulation. +0.05.

Cumulative Score 0.00 points.”

Eventually the bell rang for the end of class.


Her next class period was a study hall. She did not have to teach, only monitor the students assigned to her room as they did homework or answer the occasional question if a student had a problem. She grabbed a bottle of water from the cart and carried it to her podium.

Today there were three students that had various sentences. Andy was wearing boxers and no pants and a green and white band, Korra was wearing bra and panties and a solid white band, and Kelly was wearing a white band, but she was wearing translucent white panties and a matching bra that was more revealing than supporting, made of the same translucent material. Andy and Korra showed less than what was normally seen at a pool, but Kelly appeared almost nude.

As they came in, each greeted Laura and asked why they were sentenced.

Andy was blonde, about 5’10’ and average build for a highschooler. Andy said that he and his sister had gotten into an argument, so their parents said that they both lost their pants for a day.

Korra was about 5’4”, slender, brunette of mixed heritage being part Asian and part black. She looked like she had a solid dark tan, but it was her normal skin color. Korra said she had stayed out past curfew. She lost her blouse for the first ten minutes, her skirt for the second ten minutes, for each additional ten minutes she would have lost another item. At sixty minutes they would have gone to a blue sentence. She was happy it was only twenty minutes. Each ten minutes also meant a day, so she was going to have a two-day sentence.

Kelly had dark red wavy hair that seemed appropriate to her pale skin. The translucent material of her panties showed that she had a thick patch of red pubic hair that matched the color on her head. She was about 5’8”, and very curvy having at least a D cup bra. She had a surprisingly small waist and large hips. Kelly remained silent when she came in until Laura asked. She replied by saying, “My mother found some clothing items in my dresser under my underwear. She got mad at me for having them, mainly for trying to hide them from her. I tried to tell her that I wasn’t going to wear them anywhere, I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear. She said that if I spent good money on something, I should at least be willing to be seen in it. I had like, seven different outfits that I would wear only in my bedroom behind closed doors and fantasize about being brave enough to wear under other clothes. She said that I had to wear one outfit for twenty-four hours and then I had to wear the next one. This is the first of seven days. Two others are similar to what I am currently wearing, only a different color. Two are a little less revealing and two are much worse. One of those is really kind of bad. I know I will die of humiliation when I wear that one. She numbered each set, and I have to pull a number out of a box. I have no idea what I will be wearing tomorrow. I am so embarrassed.”

When the bell rang, Laura told everyone what she needed to do for each class. She asked for a volunteer to hold the carafe, Avie said that he would be willing to do so. Laura felt uneasy to have a boy hold the carafe for her, but she felt she needed to be balanced in her picking of students, otherwise she may have to pay a penalty tomorrow. She asked if any of the three sentence students needed relief at the start of the period, but all three declined.

Laura explained the rules for her today as she stood on her podium stand and masturbated. She tried to tell everyone to just do their studying but much to her dismay, every eye in the room was glued to her as she masturbated. The crap in the flavoring was having an effect on her and she felt an orgasm building much easier than it had been during the first period. When she had a satisfying orgasm, a number of students clapped in support. She felt her face go red knowing they were clapping at her humiliating herself.

Soon her breathing returned to normal and as she looked around the room, she saw that everyone was busy doing whatever homework they needed to be working on.

A few minutes later, she felt her balder telling her it was full again. Damn it was early in the period, she might have to pee twice at this rate. “Avie, Would you please get the carafe for me. I need you to do the job you volunteered for.”

When he stood before her, she said, “I’m sorry you or anyone needs to do this. Thank you for helping.”

“That is okay Ms. B. I am more than happy to see you this close. I like looking at your pussy. Do I get to touch you when you are done peeing. I heard that in the other classed they touched you.”

“I would rather you not. You are supposed to use the edge of the carafe to masturbate me.” Then she thought for a moment and said, “Oh, fuck, everyone else has, I would probably get in trouble if I DON’T let you touch me at this point. Do whatever you need to do.”

“Cool, I have wanted to touch your pussy since Thursday when I first saw you bottomless.”

“Avie, please don’t talk about it. Just hold the damn carafe.” She showed him how to exactly hold it so that it would catch her pee. It was getting easier to start to pee as the day went on too. God, it felt good to pee. When she was done peeing, she felt Avie rub her with the carafe a few times then he set it down. Then she felt fingers on her pussy. She nearly jumped off her stand. She partly expected it but at the same time desperately wished that it would not play out the way it was. He obviously did not know his way around a pussy. He was rubbing too hard and in the wrong places. “Avie, Avie, please not so hard.”

“But I thought women liked it rough. I’ve seen enough porn to know that women say ‘harder, harder’ all the time.”

“That is porn. The real world is a little different. They were also probably fucking at the time. When you use your hand, you have to be gentle.”

“Can you teach me? Tell me exactly what to do.”

Laura thought about how humiliating it would be to have to describe what to do in front of the class. “Damn, I don’t want to say it where everyone can hear, but I really have little choice at the moment. Okay, first rub gently up and down the edges of my pussy lips… Mmm … Much better. A soft touch is what you need to do. No. a little harder. Not that soft. Okay better.”

“Where is your clit. I hear that it is very sensitive and should be rubbed.”

“Yes, it is very sensitive. You know how your… Penis is sensitive.” Laura was not sure what she should or could say to a student as a teacher. “Well, it is much smaller, but has even more nerves packed in it. It is very sensitive. Follow my pussy lips up in front. Feel the little nub.b.b.b.” she stuttered when he actually started rubbing it. “Y.. you found it. Careful. Oh God.” Soon a shudder went through her body followed by a second and a third. She had to lean forward onto her podium to keep from falling. “God enough, please Avie, stop! I’ve had my had my orgasm.”

“Wow, you made my fingers get all wet.” He suddenly put his fingers in his mouth and licked them. “That tastes good. Can I lick your pussy? You have a lot more pussy juice that I can clean up for you.”

“God no! please just give me a tissue. I don’t want you, or anyone, licking my pussy.”

“Aww. Please.”


“Ms. B. I got a message on my phone from a friend that was in your last class, and they said that you let Jen lick your pussy. Why won’t you let Avie lick you now?” April said.

“APRIL…. Why would you say that?”

“It’s true, right?”

“Yes, but…”

“If you do it in one class you should allow it in other classes too. You don’t want to get into more trouble, do you?”

Realizing April was probably right. She mumbled under her breath several curse words, then said, “Avie, if you want to lick my pussy, you can.”

“Thanks Ms. B.” He ran his tongue lightly across her pussy lips gathering some of the fluids that were almost dripping. He then pushed his tongue deeper between her engorged lips. She shuddered as he did so. “Wow, you taste great Ms. B.” he then pushed his face into her pussy and pushed his tongue in as deep as he could. A when he wiggled his tongue around inside her she had another massive orgasm. Avie was rewarded with another rush of pussy juice.

“Wow, Ms. B. you really produce a lot of pussy juice when you cum. You came again, didn’t you?”

Panting, Laura responded, “Yes Avie, I did. Please, please stop licking me. I’m going to collapse if you keep that up. I can’t stand anymore!”

Avie stood up. “Avie, please take the carafe and pour it into the bucket for me? Thank you.” She looked at the monitor on her podium and it announced that the time she needed to stand at the podium had passed also that she had had the required orgasms. In fact, it had given her a +.5 for extra orgasm and allowing a student to have given her oral stimulation in the class. Her score still showed a penalty time of 10 hours and 27 minutes. But the new line showed Cumulative Score +.5 points. That had to count as something in her favor.

Her time was up so she was able to walk around the room. Jason raised his hand for help, so Laura walked to his desk. “Yes, Jason. What do you need help with?”

“Well, um, I’m not sure about this question.” He pointed to one of the questions on his work. She stood to the right of his chair, but he held it to his left. She had to lean over to read the question. At first, she did not realize what he was doing until she heard him taking deep breaths through his nose. She looked down and saw that he was looking between her legs and not at the paper.

She backed away and said, “Jason, you read the question.”

“What question?” He asked distractedly.


“Sorry, I just wanted to smell you up close. The room has a strong smell of your pussy, but it is even better up close. I just wanted to see and smell you better. You really do have a nice pussy.”

“Okay, enough. Please behave. Being like this is hard enough without people like you making it worse.”

She had finished her bottle, so she walked over to her cart and put it in the empty slot it had come from and grabbed the next one and took a big swig from it. God, she thought, three down and almost four to go. She had never had to drink so much water before in her life. The period was almost over, and her bladder was getting full as she feared but she really did not want to have to put up with Avie again. She made a snap decision.

“Avie, I need you to help me again. Please grab the carafe again and hold it for me! Please hurry, I don’t know how long I can hold it.”

Avie walked over to the cart at grabbed the container. He walked frustratingly slow, in Laura’s mind, but at normal speed, in reality. As he was placing it under her, she let loose with her bladder.

“Damn Ms. B! I almost didn’t have it under you. You almost peed on my hand.”

“I’m so sorry.” She panted. She was lost in the wonderful sensation of release. It barely registered in her mind that the bell sounded at almost the same time as she finished.

“Sorry Ms. B. I can’t help you masturbate this time. I have to get to my next class.”

She mumbled a response and was grateful that she could hang onto the podium to keep her standing. When she had presence of mind to open her eyes again, none of the third period students remained in the room and a few of the next had already arrived.

She glanced down at the podium monitor, and it read:

Required urination climax failure: mid-day penalty -2.0 points.

Cumulative Score -2.00 points.

What the fuck, did the score penalties increase as the day went by?

4 -----------

Fourth period. Once again, she would be in the class that started it all. Less than a week ago she had a normal clothed life.

The first one in the room was Liam. “Wow, this room smells like pussy. You must have been cuming a bunch of times to make it small this strong. I hear you are climaxing multiple times in each class. That is cool.”

“Liam, enough.”

“Well, is it true?”

“Yes, Now enough. No more asking me questions about it. I will explain things when everyone is here, and not before.”

Liam tried to ask more questions and make comments, but Laura completely ignored him and finally he stopped talking and sat in his seat with a frown on his face.

A few minutes later Jessie entered the room pulling Thomas along with his cock. Jessie however was wearing a White band. While she was technically a white, she should have been wearing a yellow because of how she was wearing her underwear. Her bra was pulled up to the top of her chest. Her breasts were free and exposed. As for her panties, they were basically composed of edging tape without the cloth in between.

“Um, Jessie, what is with your clothing or rather lack thereof?” Laura asked.

“Well, I tried to get my parents to make me a yellow, similar to Thomas, over the weekend, but no matter what I did, the worst they would go was to make me a white. I even invited Thomas to dinner with us at my grandparents’ house. I even gave him a JB in the car to their house and another one at the dinner table. I explained that as a Yellow and Blue he was supposed to be naked and touched and because he was my boyfriend, I was obligated to fulfill his sentence. Then because he was so turned on, he needed relief and since I was the one touching him turning him on, I was the one that had to give him the relief. They told me repeatedly to not touch him so much so that he would not need relief, but I refused to comply. Then finally, after I was trying to push the limits, threatened to sentence me myself. I said ‘Fine, just make me yellow like Thomas so that I could learn how humiliating it was to be naked all the time.’ They said no. The furthest they would go was to make me a white. I tried to push for more, but they would not budge. So here I am, I am wearing a bra, and panties. I just cut out the cloth part of my panties as soon as they dropped me off and pulled up my bra as far as it would stay. So technically I am wearing my underwear.”

“I am not sure if what you have done is allowed.” Laura said.

“Mr. Owens saw me before first period and questioned me about how I was wearing my underwear and I told him the story and after a little consideration, he said he would allow it. So there. I am following the letter of the law.”

As Jessie was telling her story, the other five Yellow and Blue sentenced students arrived. Marian was at Hectors side but today instead of holding his hand she was holding his impressive nine-inch cock that was rather hard at the moment.

Behind Hector, the three remaining Yellow and Blue students arrived. Maria’s tan lines had faded a little since Friday. The lines were still visible but less prominent. She was talking to Heather and Melanie, and they were all laughing. Occasionally as they walked one of them would reach for one of the others and caress them. Breasts and crotch areas were usually the targets. Apparently, they had gotten used to being touched and naked.

Melanie did not appear to be wearing her “nude” bra. Her breasts did not have an extra sheen like they did on Friday. “Hey Ms. B, I heard that you are not only peeing in front of everyone again today, but you are also letting one lucky person eat you out too. If you don’t mind, I would like to volunteer for that job.”

“Hey, I was going to ask her to pick me!” Heather said.

“I want a try too.” Melanie said.

“Now girls, please behave. That is not the rule today. I will explain as soon as class starts.” Laura said. The last of the students came in. When the bell rang Laura took a deep breath to calm her nerves and said, “Okay class. There appears to have been some complaints about my actions on Thursday and Friday. It appears that the someone in the mornings has complained that I have masturbated in some classes and not others. The H-Board and the School administration are now requiring that I masturbate during the start of each class and any time I need to use the pee carafe I must have a volunteer hold it for me. I am not allowed to hold it myself. That volunteer is to use the carafe, and I want to specify that they are to use the carafe to masturbate me to another orgasm after each time I pee.”

Melanie broke in and said, “I volunteer to hold it first.”

“We’ll see. Now, we have some sentenced individuals in this class.” She looked around and only saw that only Jessie was a newly sentenced one, this period.” Any of you need relief? If so, solo or with help?”

All seven students raised their hands.

Jessie said, “Thomas and I will help each other” She jumped up and grabbed Thomas’s hand and pulled him to the front of the class.

Marian called out, “If those two, need relief, so do Hector and I.”

Heather said, “Before all this happened, we hardly knew each other and we sure as hell did not hang out together, but we have learned that we get along a bit better than we thought. The three of us will also help each other out.” She, Melanie, and Maria got up and headed to the front of the room too.

Laura wasn’t sure there was enough room for everyone at first, but they all worked it out on their own.

Jessie got on her hands and knees on one of the mats at the front of the room. “Hey everyone, Thomas has been in two of my three holes, Now I want to share with you as he takes my ass virginity. We want to complete what he does to me in the class where it all started.” She gave Marian a level look as she stopped talking. Laura thought there must be more going on than what was said in words.

Marian got on her knees in front of Hector. She said quietly to him. “Okey Hector, I would have liked more time to practice on you, but that bitch is going for it, so I have to, too.”

“Marian, you don’t have to do this. I’m okay if you can only take half of me in your mouth. Really, I am.”

“Hector, I swear to God, if you do not make me press my nose into your groin, I will rip your balls off.”


“No God damn ‘buts.’ If I can’t do it on my own, I need you to promise me that you will go balls deep into my mouth and that you will cum down my throat that way. I am not about to let Jessie win. No time to explain, just do what I said, and it will be okay. Now get on your knees so that I can be in a better position for this.” She got on her hands and knees herself.

As he was getting on his knees he said, “Okay, not that I am going to complain about a deep throat BJ, but I don’t want to force you.” A look from Marian shut him up and he placed the tip of his cock in her mouth. She started bobbing up and down the tip and part way down. She started only going about halfway at first but soon was going a little further each time. She glanced over and saw that Jessie and Thomas were in position and Thomas was starting to push his cock into her ass. This spurred her on as she bobbed deeper. She soon stopped going any deeper, however. She had reached her personal limit. She still had almost two inches before her nose hit his groin. She pulled back and glanced over at Jessie who was getting ass fucked by Thomas and then looked up to Hector and huskily said, “Push my head. Help me. Fuck my throat.” She started bobbin on his cock again and looked up into his eyes pleading.

Hector placed his hands behind her head and pressed. Soon her nose was pressed firmly onto his groin. When she realized what they had done she started to hum with joy, as well as she could, with a nine-inch cock down her throat that is. The incredible sensation was enough to make Hector lose control as he started convulsing with an intense orgasm.

Laura was amazed to watch the show of Hector and Marian and was amazed how sexy the show was and how horny she got from watching them get ‘relief.’ She looked over to Jessie and Thomas. Thomas was happily pounding away in Jessie’s ass. Jessie’s breasts were swinging away under her as Thomas slammed into her. Jessies face had a look of pain and ecstasy. Laura understood how each girl felt. The same had been done to her by not only her husband, but son, brother, and stepbrother had fucked her in the ass and mouth.

Then she looked a little more to her left and there on the floor were the tree girls with their faces buried in one of the other girls’ pussies. Dark ebony was licking creamy white who was licking creamy caramel who was licking dark ebony. Each was beautiful on their own. In the current sex crazed mind of Laura, the current configuration was beyond sexy and soon she was cuming on her own fingers. Not just one orgasm but multiple orgasms. Had it not been for the podium to lean on, she would have collapsed.

When the relief timer went off, the 7 students got up, cleaned themselves up as best as each cared to, and they all sat in their chairs ready for the class to start. It took Laura hearing “Ms. B., Ms. B.” a number of times before she realized where she was and that she had a class to teach.

She had Melanie hand out the notes for today’s lesson. As Melanie handed out the pages, she retrieved the next bottle and returned to her podium. She stood at her podium and talked about the notes. She then assigned the even problems in the current chapter in the book and soon the class was busy working on the assignment.

As she stood in front of the class watching her students quietly working, Laura thought she was slowly losing her mind. Each period was getting worse. She left her podium long enough to retrieve the next bottle of water. She dreaded how bad she was going to be by the end of the day. Each bottle added to her horny mood. As Laura was standing on her spreader podium, she thought about how she now felt as if it was normal to be standing with her bare legs and pussy spread wide in front of her students. Not only was she on wide display but she could hardly keep one of her hands from occasionally rubbing her clit. She wished Allen was in the room so that she could get a proper fucking. She would almost welcome Adam. NO! That is just wrong. In her own home Adam doing things to her was one thing, in front of one of her classes was just too far!

She had nearly finished the bottle when her bladder signaled it was time to be emptied again. She asked the class for volunteers to hold her carafe and as expected Melanie, Heather, Maria, and several other students raised their hands. Laura’s mind told her that she could not pick any of the three girls because she did not trust them. She was looking for another student to pick when she heard her voice say “Melanie, please get the carafe and hold it for me.”

“What the FUCK!” she thought. How could she have said that. Melanie, Heather, and Maria were NOT the ones she wanted and yet her voice betrayed her. What was Melanie going to do?

Heather and Maria each said, “I wanted to be the one!”

Resigned to her fate, Laura directed Melanie on how to hold the carafe so that she could pee into it.

“I have it. Just relax and let loose.”

“When I am done, just use the carafe edge to stimulate me to orgasm. That is all you need to do. Please.”

“Like I said, I have it.”

Laura closed her eyes and relaxed and started to pee. Knowing it was one of the people that got her into trouble in the first place added a level of excitement to her overloaded brain and she realized she was close to orgasm as she peed. It would not take long.

When she was done peeing. Melanie used the edge of the carafe as she had been instructed, when suddenly she felt something quite unexpected. Someone was kissing her ass. Her eyes flew open, and she looked down. Not only was Melanie kneeling in front of her, but so was Maria. Who the fuck was kissing her ass? She looked back and Hather was in back of her.

“NO! No! No! only one of you. None of you, none of you should be touching me like that!”

“SSSHhh. Just let us have our fun. Just enjoy,” Maria said.

Both Maria and Melanie started liking her pussy. One would go high with her tongue and flic her clit, the other would go low and lick up and down between her lower lips. Then they would switch but from opposite sides. The sensation was incredible. “Yes, that is wonderful.” She heard her voice saying.

While this was going on in front of her, Heather was licking up and down her butt crack. Occasionally she would push her face into her ass and lick on her asshole. This would cause Laura to jerk forward. This would spur Maria and Melanie to attack her pussy with more vigor causing her to jerk back. There was no escape. Within moments of the triple assault, Laura started having multiple orgasms. Rather than stopping, the girls continued their assault between her legs.

Next thing she knew she was looking up at the ceiling tile. “Ms. B, are you Okay? Girls, I think we over did it on her. Ms. B, are you back with us?”

“What… What happened?”

“We were just having some fun with you,” Maria said. “Next thing we knew you were squirting pussy juice all over Melanie and me, and then you slowly collapsed onto the floor.”

“I had just pushed my tongue up your ass as far as I could, when you started jerking and spraying Marie and Melanie,” Heather said. “I was jealous that they got the most of your juice, but once we saw that you appeared to be Okay, they let me lick the juice off their tits.”

Laura heard, “That was fucking incredible Ms. B.” It from somewhere to her left where the rest of the students were sitting.

“Can you stand?” Maria asked.

Larua tried to sit up and found she did not have the strength to do so. “I don’t think so. I have had so many orgasms today and that last one was so massive; I have no energy.”

“Okay, Ms. B. I just hit the emergency call button and told the office that your health has been compromised. They said that they are sending someone to monitor your class and that when they get here, someone is to assist you to the front office for treatment.”

5 to the end of the school day -----------

A minute later Sara Banks ran into the room and over to Laura. “Laura, are you Okay?”

“I, I, I’m not sure. I can hardly move. I had a massive orgasm and fainted. When I came to, I found I could hardly move. My thoughts are all in a fog. I don’t think I can teach the remainder of the day. I don’t know what to do.”

“You need rest, this drinking water and peeing in front of your class and multiple orgasms every period is pushing your body to its limits. It is wrong. It is so wrong what they are making you do. I’m so sorry that you have to endure this humiliation.”

“I need a couple of volunteers to help get Ms. B. to the front office so that she can see the nurse. She needs to rest at the nurse’s office.” Sara said.

Hector and Thomas quickly volunteered. With the help of the girls, they got her standing on shaky legs. She tried to take a step and almost collapsed again. “That is not going to work,” Hector said. “We need to carry her.” He and Thomas linked their arms together behind her back. They then reached down and grabbed her legs from behind the knees and lifted. They meant well but their inexperience in trying to carry someone, while it did work, had the effect of pulling her legs far apart exposing her widely spread pussy to anyone in front of them.

She took one last look at her classroom as they maneuvered her through the door. In the front was her spreader podium, near the base was the carafe still filled with her piss, and in the back of the room was the cart with the damned spiked water. How had she sunk so low to come to this point?

She thought it fortunate that it was during class as they started across the courtyard. There were few people outside at the time. Almost immediately after that thought however, the bell rang, and students started pouring out of classes. It was the lunch period so rather than rushing to their next class, many ran over to her and her assistants.

As various students gathered around the trio, she heard, “Wow Ms. B. are you Okay? Is this another level of your exposure punishment? Isn’t it embarrassing to be carried like that? Are Hector and Thomas’s hard-ons brushing your ass making you turned on? Your pussy looks like it is dripping.”

She had not consciously realized that Hector and Thomas had hard-ons that were bumping into her ass as they carried her. Now that it was pointed out, it was all she could think about. What would it feel like to have one or both of them inside of her right now?... NO, NO, NO! that is not her thoughts, that is thoughts from the water. That water is horrible, in small doses it may be ok, but overdosing is worse than any sentencing.

Eventually they made it to the front office. The boys tried to take her to the nurse’s office but were stopped outside the door. “I’m sorry, but the cot is occupied at the moment. How are you feeling Laura?” Nurse Julia said.

“I’m a little better but I’m still not sure I can stand.”

“Please carry her to one of the padded chairs in the lobby. That would be the best place for her to rest.” She placed a gadget on one of Laura’s fingers as they carried her. After she was sitting, Nurse Julia looked at the reading on the gadget. “Well dear, your heart rate is elevated, and by your looks, I would say you are suffering from dehydration.”

“But I have been drinking more than a liter of water every period. How is that possible?”

“You have been peeing a lot too, haven’t you? If I would make a guess, I would say that there is a diuretic in the flavoring and the more you drink the more you have to pee and the more you pee the more you get dehydrated. You should stop drinking it.”

“But if I do I get points that count against me and extend my sentence. In fact, I am already in trouble just being here and not in front of my class.”

“I will put in a medical report to exempt you from any additional punishment while you are here. Is there anyone I can call for you?”

She was about to say to call Allen, her husband, when a different thought occurred to her. “Yes, please call Summer Tate, my son’s girlfriend. You may have seen her; she is the blonde yellow that showed up last Friday and was hanging out with Adam at the pickup line.”

“Yes, I remember her. You say she is Adam’s girlfriend? How and when did that happen?”

“It is a long story, and I don’t think I am up to telling it at the moment.”

“Do you have her number?”

Laura realized that all of her things were still in her room. “You are going to have to get it from Adam.” She felt herself falling asleep as she said it.

The next thing she knew, Adam was standing over her and shaking her shoulder, asking if she was okay.

“Yes, I am okay, I just need to rest. I have had too many orgasms and peed too much and the effect on my body is taking its toll. Please call Summer for me. I need to discuss some things with her.”

“What do you need to ask her about?”

“I would rather just discuss it with her first. I’m feeling a little better now that I had a nap but I’m still not up to going back to my classroom.”

“Mom, why are your feet on the floor but there is an ottoman between your knees?”

“Mr. Owens put it there. He said that if I am not going to be on spread display in my classroom, I can at least do so in the front office so that parents and delivery people can see me. I’m a little worried because the afternoons get a little busy around here by parents, students, and most deliveries are in the afternoon. I guess I really don’t care anymore, however. Just call Summer and tell her to come see me as soon as possible, I need her advice on something. Tell her that I am in the school lobby.”

“Okay mom. I let her know. Feel better. I the next period is about to start, and I need to get to class.”

“Thanks dear.”

The rest of the day Laura sat in the front lobby with her legs dutifully spread. She dozed until Summer arrived. Mr. Owens would occasionally walk through the lobby but appeared to be appease the Laura was at least sitting the way he had instructed. He had no qualms when she was joined by the beautiful Summer. In the attempt to keep on his good side, Summer sat in the chair next to Laura with a similar ottoman between her legs.

As Laura and Summer talked, Laura made several phone calls but talked too softly for any of the office staff to hear what the calls were about.

Near the end of the 6th period. Mr. Owens stopped by for a talk. “Laura, I understand the medical excuse for the last part of period 4 and if I am being generous period 5, but I am not sure period 6 would qualify for and excuse. You appear to be coherent and were even seen making several phone calls.”

“Mark, I assure you I am still far from recovered. I may be able to stand but I am far from being able to teach my classes let alone continue with the water and pissing that you were requiring.”

“Not just me, the H-Department authorized the punishment.”

“Along with the masturbation requirement each time?”

“They were not against it.”

“Did they suggest that part or was that from you?”

“I fail to see the difference. The H-Department said that it was not an unreasonable modification based on your previous actions and complaints from students and parents. Some had been able to witness you masturbating and some had not. The only way to level the situation was to have you masturbate in every class.”

“What about assistants? Were they part of the requirement.”

“I thought that would actually be of assistance to you. It is generally accepted that masturbation is easier with a partner.”

“The H-Department did not seem to have any issues with it when the subject was discussed?”

“I will say there was no disagreement.”

“What about the pre-flavored water?”

“Again, I thought that would be a benefit in your favor. It would just be one less thing for you to worry about. I suggested it to the department in charge of supplying the water, and they did not object. I fail to see where this line of questioning is going. I assure you that everything that was done for your case was well within the rights of the law.

And that being the said, even if I forgive half of the points that you may have earned from failing to fulfill your requirements for the last three periods, adding to the time extensions you had already accrued per my calculations you already had extended your sentence by some 10 plus hours and now you have added another 72 hours for not standing on your spreader podium as required and then you had about 5 liters of water that you did not drink during the last three periods adding another 50 hours. That comes to about 131 hours, give, or take, or about five and a half days. It seems you will be remaining bottomless until at least noon, next Monday, that is if you do not add any more penalty time between now and then.”

“I don’t think so, Mark. You see I have negotiated a modification to my sentence. While I cannot reduce the sentence, I can remove additional modifications if I accept a higher level of sentence for an extended period of time. Summer here, gave me the basic outline of what I can do. Then I called my sister-in-law, who is a lawyer specializing in the H-Laws for legal advice. And finally, a call to the H-Department myself.

You see, I am upgrading myself to a full Yellow.” with that she pulled her top off. “As such, I now have the same basic rights as a yellow. I am allowed relief each period if I so choose, or not if I choose. I have no minimum amount of water I am required to drink each period. I am still required to pee into a carafe in my class if I need to do so, but ONLY if I need to do so, from drinking a normal amount of water of my choosing. I am not required to stand on the spreader podium for any set time unless I am giving a lecture, and choose to stand at that podium, when I do so. My sentence is extended for six months. I tried to ask for six weeks but in order to get the elimination of all present and possible future modifications to my sentence, except the peeing modification, I had to go for six months.”

“I see. You seem to have thought this through.”

“Yes, you and the rest of the world get to see me completely naked for the next six months. I hate that fact, but at least I will not be having random requirements added each day. I hate to think of what you would have come up with by the end of the week. Would I be a full Blue by then?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. We simply set standards for you, and you would fail to comply with those standards. You were the one causing the escalation of those standards. You have now, on your own, extended a six-day Green sentence into a six-month Yellow sentence. All I can say is that I hope you are satisfied with yourself.” With that, he turned around and walked away.

“Can you believe the arrogance of that man?” Summer said.

“Yes, I can, unfortunately. Summer, thank you for your support. I don’t think I could have done this without your help. You live in our house, and you are a Yellow. Now I am one too. We are partners in this. I know because you are contracted to Adam, your time will be done before mine. But at least I will have most of my time with you in my state.”

“No Laura, I will be a Yellow as long as you are one. Your family took me in when I had no one. Adam is far better to me than anyone else has ever been. I will support you in any way that I can. This is a vow that I make to you.”

“Summer I would say that means more to me than you can know, but I think you do know.”

At that point, an announcement came across the intercom. “All sentenced individuals, please assemble at the pickup line now. The final bell will be ringing in about two minutes.”

“Well, that is my que to go. You can stay here if you want. You are not associated with the school.”

“Hell no. I may not be allowed to stand in the line with you and the others, but I will be there for you on the side as support.”

As the sentenced individuals assembled a few commented on Laura’s Yellow state. She replied with a big grin and a general comment. “Yes, I am now a simple Yellow. Just like any other yellow. No more, nor less. I have the rights and privileges of a simple Yellow and will be so for the next six months!”


Author Note:

This is the conclusion of this series. I hope you enjoyed it. It was getting hard to maintain a continued level of escalation that still allowed Laura to be who she is at heart, and I liked her too much to go too far with her.

I do have plans for a follow up series including Adam, Summer, and the neighbor Jen Benson, who was sentenced to be trained by Adam and Summer by her own family. Many of the same characters will undoubtedly make appearances. Life is a bit chaotic at this time so it will be a while before I can work on that series, however.

Doc OliviaReport 

2024-07-26 14:30:19
Thank you for this series. I love the story and have come to love Laura. Your ending is excellent, even though I wanted to story to go on forever. Looking forward to the spin off stories.

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